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Canadian Studies - Indigenous peoples: Books

American & Canadian Studies, Canada, Canadian Studies, Indigenous, Indigenous Peoples

Selected eBooks

People of the Saltwater: An Ethnography of Git lax m'oon
Intimate Integration : a History of the Sixties Scoop and the Colonization of Indigenous Kinship
Travellers Through Empire : Indigenous Voyages from Early Canada
book: Reclaiming Tom Longboat : Indigenous Self-Determination in Canadian Sport
A National Crime : The Canadian Government and the Residential School System
Healing Histories : Stories from Canada's Indian Hospitals
Inuit World
Gender, Power, and Representations of Cree Law
Inalienable Properties : The Political Economy of Indigenous Land Reform
Isuma : Inuit Video Art
book: In Divided Unity: Haudenosaunee Reclamation at Grand River
Disinherited Generations : Our Struggle to Reclaim Treaty Rights for First Nations Women and Their Descendants
First Nations? Second Thoughts
A People and a Nation: New Directions in Contemporary Métis Studies
book: Doodem and Council Fire: Anishinaabe Governance through Alliance
How Alcohol Is Killing My People (and Yours)
book: The Return of the Sun: Suicide and Reclamation Among Inuit of Arctic Canada
book: Towards a New Ethnohistory : Community-Engaged Scholarship among the People of the River
Nuvisavik : The Place Where We Weave
Histoire de la littérature inuite du Nunavik
book: Naamiwan's Drum : The Story of a Contested Repatriation of Anishinaabe Artefacts
La décolonisation de la scolarisation des jeunes Inuit et des Premières Nations: Sens et défis
First Nations, Identity, and Reserve Life: The Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia

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  • By Topic - Type in the keywords that broadly describe your topic. For example: haida environment
  • By Title - search for a specific book by title. Type in the first few words of the book title in quotations. For example: "right to be cold"
  • By Author - search for books written by a specific author. Type in the last name followed by the first name of the author in quotations. For example: "watt-cloutier sheila"

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Additional collections of eBooks can be found on eBook Collections guide. The following collections have strong history content:

Search Terminology

Books on Indigenous peoples of Canada can be found in UW Libraries Search by using a variety of keywords and terms, however for a more comprehensive search you may want to also include designated Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) as search terms. Most U.S. libraries use this official terminology to describe the content of a book. You will usually need to use a variety of subject headings including broad terms such as Indians of North America and Indigenous peoples, as well as narrower terms such as the names of specific groups (e.g., Tlingit), places (e.g., Nunavut, Tobique Indian Reserve) and people (e.g., Ma-Nee Chacaby).

Some examples:

LCSH Terms Examples
Indians of North America

indians of north america yukon

indians of north american alberta  history

indians of north american education canada 

Indigenous peoples

indigenous peoples ontario

indigenous peoples canada ethnic identiy

Indigenous youth indigenous youth saskatchewan
Indian women indian women new brunswick
Indian art indian art canada
Totem poles totem poles haida
Off reservation boarding schools off reservation boarding schools british columbia

metis manitoba

metis women newfoundland

Inuit inuit quebec
Micmac Indians micmac indians economic conditions