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Human Nutrition Research Guide: Books

To support the NUTR&101 sections at Cascadia Community College.

UW Libraries Search

UW/CC Libraries Search

Searching the UW Libraries Search discovery system:

To see what is currently available at our library - I suggest performing a KEYWORD search for NUTRITION and limiting the location to the UW Libraries Search option. A TITLE search for FOOD and limiting the location to the "UW Bothell/CC Library" in the catalog can also be fruitful (no pun intended). You can also access several electronic titles (online books and government documents) this way.

Possible search terms to use for your topic are:

Keywords Subject Headings to try
sports medicine
sports nutrition
food guide pyramid Nutrition -- Requirements
functional foods, Nutraceuticals Functional foods
sugars, sugar or sweeteners Sugars, Sugar, Sucrose, Glucose
body weight and health Body Weight
obesity obesity
Words to "and" into your search to find debate materials: against, debate, controversy, dispute, proponent, advocate  

More search tips:

  1. Use the UW Libraries Search to locate books, online books, article titles, DVDs, maps, bound journals, software, and other items
  2. Types in the search box for what you are looking for
  3. After you receive a list of results, you can limit by format on the left-side of the page
  4. To limit to local and online holdings, either click on the "Articles books and more" box, and change it to the "UW Bothell/CCC Library" option, and click on the Search button to see what we have. Another way to do this is to click on the "More Options" link under the Library limiter on the left, and then click the include box to the left of the "UW Bothell/CCC Library," and click on the Continue button.
  5. Search by title, author, or keyword (topics, actors, directors, performers, etc.), for specific programs.
  6. Search by type of program, such as: (if your search results are too broad try these as LC subject or genre searches)
    • documentary films
    • feature films
    • film adaptations
    • historical television programs
    • television comedies
    • television programs
    • television advertising
    • television mini series

If the book or film is available at a library other than the Bothell Campus Library, you can request it to be delivered to this campus for free. In the UW Libraries Search use the "Request" link (local holdings).