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Searching for Faculty Publications

Do you need to look up or track your faculty's publications, either for your own departmental use or for certification purposes? Follow the instructions here.


  1. Format author search list into proper format for PubMed

(Lastname FM[author] OR Lastname FM[author] OR Lastname FM[author] OR etc. OR etc.)

  1. Add the above to the search hedge below in front of AND

AND (“University of Washington”[Affiliation] OR “Fred Hutchinson”[Affiliation] OR (“Veterans Affairs”[Affiliation] AND Puget[Affiliation]) OR ("Veterans Affairs"[Affiliation] AND Boise[Affiliation]) OR “Seattle Cancer Care Alliance”[Affiliation] OR SCCA[Affiliation])

  1. Copy and paste the search strategy into PubMed’s search box
  2. Using the Publication dates limit on the left side, select Custom range and set the range to the necessary dates (for this search probably From 2015/07/01 to 2016/06/30)

This will give you a set of results that you can either email to yourself for analysis or import into a citation management system.


Amory J[Author] OR Shankland S[Author] OR Baeten J[Author] AND (“University of Washington”[Affiliation] OR “Fred Hutchinson”[Affiliation] OR (“Veterans Affairs”[Affiliation] AND Puget[Affiliation]) OR ("Veterans Affairs"[Affiliation] AND Boise[Affiliation]) OR “Seattle Cancer Care Alliance”[Affiliation] OR SCCA[Affiliation])