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Research Data Management Workshop from UW Libraries: Storage, Sharing, Preservation & Repositories

A guide to the recurring, Canvas-based Research Data Management Workshop by UW Libraries

Active Storage: storing your data during a project

Where should you store your data?

There are a number of options to choose from when deciding where to keep your data during a project. Deciding which option is best for you may require some thought. It is recommended that your data be saved and stored using a minimum of two different options to prevent corruption and loss.

Below are options for storage available to UW affiliates:

Sharing and Publishing Your Data

Why should you share your data?

There are a variety of reasons researchers should considering sharing their data at the end of a project. Sharing can:

  • Accelerate research and provide greater exposure to data
  • Increase possibility of future research collaborations
  • Potentially increase citation of source papers (Piwowar, 2007)
  • Increase return on research investment by allowing continued re-use of data (funding agencies value this)
  • Many funding agencies (see SPARC list) and journals (e.g. NatureScience) are now implementing data sharing requirements
  • Encourage scientific enquiry and debate

Questions to consider before sharing your data:

  • How much and which aspects of your data will you share?  (Raw data? Analyzed?  Both?)
  • Are there privacy or security issues with your data and how will they be resolved? (Anonymization? Informed consent? Controlled access?)
  • When will you make the data available? (As soon as it's collected? Upon project completion? After publication?)
  • With whom will you share your data? (Your department? Your institution? Others in your field? Everyone?)

How can you share your data?

  • Deposit in a subject-specific or institutional repository (see below for options)
  • Submit as supplementary information with an article to be published in a journal
  • Make available on a website
  • Make available on departmental servers
  • Informal peer-to-peer sharing via email or removable media
  • Use an ORCiD ID to create a profile of all your publications including datasets.
  • Create a persistent identifier for a long-lasting reference

Why should you preserve your data?

Choosing a data repository:

There are three different types of data repositories where you can deposit your data for sharing. Many disciplines have preferred discipline-specific repositories. If your discipline does not have a preferred repository, there are also general repositories that take data from all fields. The third option is to deposit your data into an institutional repository, such as the UW’s ResearchWorks. Below you will find links to resources to help you find the right repository for your data.

Discipline-specific Repositories

General Repositories

Institutional Repositories


See the data storage options available to University of Washington affiliates under "Storing" on this page. Many of the services also provide options for easy sharing of data.


If you have questions about data sharing, storage, or preservation please contact the Data Services Team or use the "Ask Us" link at the top of the page.