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Research Guides

AFRAM 272 History of the South Since the Civil War: Find Articles

Brukab Sisay - Autumn 2020

In the Article Scholary?


Review our Scholarly Article FAQ for additional details.

Database searching tips

What is a database? A database is a collection of digitized information (files, documents, records, articles, etc.) organized to be easily accessed, managed, searched, and updated.

Use databases to find citations (and sometimes full text) to articles and other materials which provide additional information about the subject matter of you chosen film or movie. Use the tips below to assist your topic search.

  • AND returns results containing all terms:  African Americans AND education
  • OR returns results with either term:  African Americans OR blacks
    Good for use with related terms or synonyms

  • Placing terms in parentheses ( ) indicates separate concepts, like an equation, (A or B) and C:
    segregation AND (African Americans OR blacks) 

  • Placing two or more words in quotation marks " " returns results using that specific phrase
    "African Americans"

  • Truncation * returns results with a root word and any ending
    rac* [finds race, races, racial, racism ...]

  • In some databases you can limit (focus) your search by the item’s format.

Note:  some databases use different truncation symbols (* is most common; others include !, $, #). Check the database’s online help if the asterisk doesn’t work).


Starting Points for topics in African American Studies

Listed below are selected databases for finding articles on the topical themes of your selected movies, for example, civil rights, segregation, slavery, integration, voting ,etc.  Use the database searching strategy listed above.

Tip: EBSCO's Academic Search Complete and America: History & Life use the same platform. Click Choose Databases on the search screen to add multiple databases to your search strategy.

How to Use Academic Search Complete

How do I find full-text scholarly articles?

How do I find out if the article I need is online?