Southeast Asia Librarian Profile: Publications, Presentations & Grants
This Guide describes what services the Southeast Asia Section offers to students and faculty, and includes my interests and educational background.
Publications and Presentations
"Archival Traces of Southeast Asia in the Global Academy.” Forthcoming in Decolonizing Area Studies: Rethinking the Collector and the Collected, Library Juice Press.
Translation from the French. Nguyen An Ninh. "The Ideals of the Annamite Youth," La cloche fêlée, Dec. 1923. In Sources of Vietnamese Tradition, Columbia University Press, 2012.
With James Simon, “Completion of SEAM/Luce Vietnam Filming Project,” in FOCUS On Global Resources, Winter 2009–10, Vol.29, Num.2
“Buying Books or Building Collections,” International Institute for Asian Studies Newsletter, Spring 2009.
“Evaluating the Scholarly Role of English Language Journals in Viet Nam,” Library Directions, Spring 2008.
“Building Library Collections in Southeast Asian Studies.” In Building Area Studies Collections. Dan Hazen and James Spohrer, eds. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2007: 57- 80.
“Disciplining Knowledge: Representing Resources for Southeast Asian Studies in the Libraries of the U.S. Academy.” In Knowing Southeast Asian Subjects: Southeast Asian Area Studies in 21st Century America. Laurie J. Sears, ed. University of Washington Press, 2007: 172-204.
“Performing Modernity in the Writings of Nguyễn An Ninh and Phan Văn Hùm.” Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Washington, Department of History, 2005.
“The National Library of Vietnam.” In David Stam, ed. International Dictionary of Library Histories. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001: 598-601.
With John F. Dean. “Preservation in Southeast Asia: a new beginning,” International Preservation News, n. 24 (May 2001): 15-20.
Preservation and archives in Vietnam. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources, 1998.
"The Northwest Regional Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies: a model for library cooperation," in Association for Research Libraries SPEC kit 195 (Sept. 1993): 53-69.
With William Sage. Laos: A Bibliography. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1986.
“Age of the Kampuchea Picture: A Video Installation,” exploring the Cambodia archive of Elizabeth Becker. Co-organizer with Jenna Grant (Anth) and M.A. student Adrian Alarilla. 2017. Winner of CRL Primary Source Award.
Co-organizer, Chair and discussant for panel “Whither the Southeast Asia Research Archive," Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting;
“Fifty Years of Opium and Conflict in the Shan State of Burma: A Visual Retrospective,” exploring the film archive of Adrian Cowell, March 2015. Co-organizer with John Buchanan;
“Co-organizer, with Christoph Giebel, History and JSIS, of 3-part conference series Alternative Voices in Modern Vietnamese History and Historiography, 2007-10.
“Copyright and Creativity in Late Colonial Vietnamese History;” invited participant in Property and Property Rights in Vietnam, Harvard University, 2009.
“Disciplining Knowledge: Representing Resources for Southeast Asian Studies in the Libraries of the U.S. Academy;” presentation on book chapter for panel on the edited volume, Knowing Southeast Asian Subjects: Southeast Asian Area Studies in 21st Century America, with Laurie Sears, Kiko Benitez, Carlo Bonura and Ariel Haryanto. 5th International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS), Kuala Lumpur, 2007.
“The history and future of the Southeast Asia Consortium on Access and Preservation” at Enriching the Indigenous Southeast Asian Collections in Libraries: An International Conference, Manila. Acted as a resource person for this conference, 2004.
“The copyright conundrum” at the SEAM Chiang Mai meeting on preservation in Southeast Asia. Funded, organized and Co-chaired this meeting with Dr Rujaya Abhakorn, Chiang Mai University, Dept of History, 2000.
“Preservation and Archives in Vietnam: The Southeast Asia Microform Project and International Cooperation;" Organizer and Co-Chair of this panel on preservation and archives at the First International Vietnamese Studies Conference, Hanoi, 1998.
Co-organizer and discussant on panel Networking Southeast Asia's History: Prospects and Problems of Digitized Preservation. AAS annual meeting, 1997.
Presenter on panel Workshop on the Global Information Infrastructure for Asian Studies," Association for Asian Studies annual meeting, 1996.
"The Northwest Regional Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies: a model for library cooperation," Association of Research Libraries annual meeting, Gateway to the Pacific Rim: information resources for the 21st century, Hawaii, 1993.
Co-PI for UW SE Asia Center Luce Southeast Asia $1m grant “Tracing Authoritarianism: Linking Southeast Asia and Southeast Asian America through Archives, Language and Pedagogy.” Collaboration with archival institutions in SE Asia and training librarians. 2020.
PI on consortia grant of $112,000 from the Luce Foundation to UW, Arizona State and Northern Illinois Universities for library training in Myanmar, 2016-9.
Grant of $40,000 from the Henry Luce Foundation to the Translation Project Group of the Association for Asian Studies to establish the Becker Prize for Southeast Asian Literature in Translation, and to support translation subventions, 2011.
$530,000 from the Department of Education, Technological Innovation and Cooperation for Foreign Information Access (TICFIA), for 4-year collaborative digital library on Thailand, 2009.
With Peter Lape, Burke Museum/Anthropology, received $23,000 as part of a Henry Luce Foundation-funded archaeology grant to digitize archaeology reports, 2007.
Southeast Asia Microform Project preservation project in Viet Nam, funded by Henry Luce Foundation ($180,000) and Harvard Yenching Institute ($35,000), 1994-2009.