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Anthropology: Foodways

This is a research guide for Anthropology and includes specialized resources for Foodways and Museum Studies

Food & Foodways

Foodways as a discipline examines the role of food and food-related behavior in cultural groups, and the ways in which food knowledge is transferred within and varies between different societies.

- adapted from Katz, S. H., & Weaver, W. W. (2003). Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. New York: Scribner.

Search Tips

  • Use the same sources and tips listed under the "Find Articles" and "Find Books" pages in this guide.
  • Try different searches using a variety of keywords related to foodways, such as: food, culture, society, production, consumption, health, nutrition.

Featured Journals


Food and Foodways

Food and Foodways  

Available online 


Food, Culture, & Society

Food, Culture, & Society    

Available online



Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies    

Available online