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Campus Library Orientation for Health Studies & Nursing Students: Finding Articles Online

General Information about the Campus Library at the UW Bothell for Bachelor and Masters Students in Health Studies and Nursing

Finding Articles Online

Article databases are used to find citations to articles in journals, magazines and newspapers. Databases and electronic journals may also provide access to the full-text of articles. Databases and electronic journals cover a wide range of subjects and include health-related indexes such as CINAHL Complete, PubMed, Global Health, and Sociological Abstracts. 

Links for finding databases:

  • List of Databases A-Z - an alphabetical and searchable list of all of the UW Libraries databases
  • Research Guides - (after clicking on a link to a guide, look for and click on the "Find Articles" tab)

Locating the full text of articles:

Finding Electronic Journals:

Discovery Tool:

Moblie and PDA Devices: 

Off-campus Access:

  • Off-campus Access to UW Restricted Library Databases and Resources - for materials that require a password for access when you are not at UWB
  • Connecting to UW-restricted databases from home: As a UW student, you have access to all the "UW restricted" databases. Click on the database link, and when you are not on campus, you should be prompted to login with you UW NetID and password.