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THIST 416 Life and Thought: Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Angela Davis
Primary Sources
THIST 416 Life and Thought: Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Angela Davis: Primary Sources
Baltimore Afro American, 1893-1988
Commonly known as
The Afro
, the paper included regional news.
Current news site
Chicago Defender, 1909 - 1975
African American newspaper. Full text for 1905-1975. For issues 1975- 1998 request microfilm A4066
For issues after 1999, see
Ethnic Newswatch
Current news site for the Defender
Crossroads to Freedom
Documents, newspapers, and oral histories from Memphis, TN
Pittsburgh Courier, 1911-2002
Became the New Pittsburgh Courier in 1967.
Current news site for the Courier
The Words of Martin Luther King
Letter from the Birmingham Jail
Tacoma Library
F334.B69 N446 1994
An open letter written in defense of nonviolent demonstrations to protest injustice
Stride Toward Freedom
Tacoma Library
F334.M79 N4535 2010
Personal account of events leading to the Montgomery bus boycott
The Trumpet of Conscience
Compilation of Dr. King's speeches on labor and civil rights
Why We Can't Wait
Odegaard Undergraduate Library
E185.61 .K54 1964b
Examines civil rights struggle and argues for a proactive approach
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr
Tacoma Library
E185.97.K5 A52 1998
Documents the life of Dr. King
Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers
Digitized collection of speeches, sermons, letters, etc. at Stanford
The Words of Malcolm X
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Tacoma Library
BP223.Z8 L57943 1992
Chronicles Malcolm's philosophy and life
By Any Means Necessary
Tacoma Library
E185.61 .L577
Collection of speeches tracing the development of Malcolm X's political thoughts
The End of White World Supremacy
Tacoma Library
E185.61 .X2 1989
Malcolm X's four speeches during his time with the Nation of Islam
Malcolm X on Afro-American History
UW Tacoma Library
E185 .L5 1990
Discusses African history, and the impact of slavery, colonialism, and capitalism on the Black community
Malcolm X The Last Speeches
Tacoma Library
E185.61 .X26 1989
Speeches and interviews from the last two years of Malcolm X's life
The Malcolm X Project
Project of Columbia University documenting the life and contributions of Malcolm X.
The Words of Angela Davis
Angela Davis
Tacoma Library
E185.97.D23 A3 1988
Account of Davis' philosophical and political views
The Meaning of Freedom
Tacoma Library
HN59.2 .D38 2012 & ebook
Collection of speeches on race, gender, class, & the intersections of oppressions
Violence Against Women and the Ongoing Challenge to Racism
Tacoma Library
HV6250.4.W65 D3 1985
Essay on the movement to end gender violence
Women, Culture, and Politics
Tacoma Library
E185.86 .D382 1989
Collection of essays, and lectures on race, feminism, and politic
Are Prisons Obsolete?
Tacoma Library & online
HV9471 .D375 2003
Studies show that increasing prison sentences has had no effect on crime. Davis argues for a radical rethinking of our rehabilitation programs.
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