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Selected eBooks

book cover: Colonial Pathologies : American Tropical Medicine, Race, and Hygiene in the Philippines
book cover: Unequal Cures : Public Health and Political Change in Bolivia, 1900-1950
book cover: Medicine and Politics in Colonial Peru : Population Growth and the Bourbon Reforms
book cover: Enemy in the Blood : Malaria, Environment, and Development in Argentina
book cover: More than Hot : a Short History of Fever
book cover: Public Health in Papua New Guinea
book cover: Epidemic Invasions : Yellow Fever and the Limits of Cuban Independence, 1878-1930
book cover: Healing Traditions : African Medicine, Cultural Exchange, and Competition in South Africa, 1820-1948
book cover: Networks in tropical medicine
book cover: The Lomidine Files : the Untold Story of a Medical Disaster in Colonial Africa
book cover: The African AIDS Epidemic : a History
book cover: The History of Blood Transfusion in Sub-Saharan Africa
book cover: Epidemics : the Story of South Africa's Five Most Lethal Human Diseases
book cover: The Death of a Disease : A History of the Eradication of Poliomyelitis
book cover: White Plague, Black Labor : Tuberculosis and the Political Economy of Health and Disease in South Africa
book cover: Disease in the history of modern Latin America
book cover:  The Colonial Disease : a Social History of Sleeping Sickness in Northern Zaire, 1900-1940
book cover: n Open Secret : the History of Unwanted Pregnancy and Abortion in Modern Bolivia

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  • By Title - search for a specific book by title. Type in the first few words of the book title in quotations. For example: "more than hot"
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 Additional collections of eBooks can be found on eBook Collections guide. The following collections have strong history content:

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Why Use Scholarly Books & Articles?

The raison d'être of scholars is to attempt to describe, explain, interpret and analyze issues & events. Scholars use evidence to support their interpretations which are most often published in the form of books and journal articles (secondary sources). So why should you use secondary sources?


  • Written by expert scholars. Before publication academic books and articles are vetted by other scholars in a process known as peer review.
  • Peer review ensures that scholarly books and articles are more reliable and credible than other types of publications.
  • Provide historical/broader/in depth context and analysis of a topic. For example, if you are researching Armenian genocide, you may want to use a scholarly source to get information on the history of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. 
  • Scholarly articles and books are based on evidence (primary sources) that are cited in the footnotes and bibliography. They are often a quick way to identify potential primary sources that you too may wish to use as evidence in your research paper. 


Keep in mind

  • Expert scholars are likely to use specialized terminology and theory in their analyses making scholarly articles and books sometimes difficult to understand.

How to Read Scholarly Material

Scholarly articles and books have a purpose -- an argument (also called a thesis) that they are attempting to make about an issue and present evidence to support this argument. As you read a scholarly article first check to see if there is an abstract, a brief overview of the article. This will give you an idea if the article will be relevant for your research. Then look for the author's argument. Ask yourself, does the author adequately support their argument with evidence.

For more information on reading a scholarly article see: Analyzing Scholarly ArticlesHow to Read an Academic Article & How to Read a Secondary Source.