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Environmental performance
Economic performance
Land use, water use, and transport
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University of Washington Libraries
Library Guides
TCMP 590 Community Planning Studio I
Economic performance
TCMP 590 Community Planning Studio I: Economic performance
UW Databases | Economics
OECD iLibrary
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Publications and datasets by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development & affiliated agencies.
Business Source Complete
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Magazines, newspapers and journals in all business disciplines.
PAIS Index
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Social and public policy literature from periodicals, government documents, books, and other sources.
Also see:
Economic Research Guide
Private Company Data
Mergent Online
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Extensive information on U.S. and international public companies, including financials, stock, properties, and SEC filings.
Web Sources
Port of Tacoma | Economic Impact
Port of Tacoma | Economic Impact 2014 Report
Port of Tacoma | Economic Impact 2004 Report
Government Sources
Washington State County & City Data
Provided by the Office of Financial Management, provides data related to population, economy, and more.
Pierce County Profile
County profiles highlight aspects of the economic health of each of Washington’s counties.
Washington State Department of Revenue - Statistics and Reports
Tax and business statistics for the state of Washington.
Regional Economic Data
From the US Dept of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis. Link to interactive maps, charts and tables by state and metropolitan areas.
Washington Economy at a Glance Table
From the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Scroll down the page for quick links to data tables for major metropolitan areas in Washington State.
Environmental performance
Land use, water use, and transport >>