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CI # 51574 Do electronic cigarettes increase cigarette smoking in adolescents?: search

Search Summary

Cochrane Library - CDSR (Systematic Reviews)

0 e-cigarettes and adolescent smoking risk

Systematic reviews & meta analyses

6 (adolescent[mh] OR adolescent behavior[mh] OR adolescen* OR teenager*[ti] OR teen[ti] OR youth[ti]) AND (electronic cigarettes[mh] OR electronic cigarette*[ti] OR e-cigarette*[ti] OR vaping[ti] OR vape[ti] OR vapes[ti]) AND (smoking[mh] OR tobacco use disorder[mh] OR smoking[tiab] OR smoke*[tiab]) AND (Meta Analysis[pt] OR meta analy*[ti] OR metaanaly*[ti] OR systematic review*[ti] OR data synthesis[tw] OR data extraction[tw] OR Cochrane Database Syst Rev[ta]) AND english[la] 

RCTs; duplicates removed

12 (adolescent[mh] OR adolescent behavior[mh] OR adolescen* OR teenager*[ti] OR teen[ti] OR youth[ti]) AND (electronic cigarettes[mh] OR electronic cigarette*[ti] OR e-cigarette*[ti] OR vaping[ti] OR vape[ti] OR vapes[ti]) AND (smoking/psychology[mh] OR smoking/epidemiology[mh] OR tobacco use disorder/epidemiology[mh] OR tobacco use disorder/psychology[mh] OR smoking[tiab] OR smoke*[tiab]) AND (randomized controlled trial[pt] OR ((random*[tw] AND trial*[tw]) NOT medline[sb])) NOT (Meta Analysis[pt] OR meta analy*[ti] OR metaanaly*[ti] OR systematic review*[ti] OR data synthesis[tw] OR data extraction[tw] OR Cochrane Database Syst Rev[ta]) AND english[la]

Cohort studies


(adolescent[mh] OR adolescent behavior[mh] OR adolescen* OR teenager*[ti] OR teen[ti] OR youth[ti]) AND (electronic cigarettes[mh] OR electronic cigarette*[ti] OR e-cigarette*[ti] OR vaping[ti] OR vape[ti] OR vapes[ti] OR vaporizer*[ti])  AND (smoking/psychology[mh] OR smoking/epidemiology[mh] OR tobacco use disorder/epidemiology[mh] OR tobacco use disorder/psychology[mh] OR smoking[tiab] OR smoke*[ti]) AND (cause*[tw] OR causality[tw] OR correlat*[tw] OR dual use*[tw] OR escalat*[tw] OR experiment*[tw] OR increas*[tw] OR initiat*[tw] OR onset[tw] OR predict*[tw] OR steer*[tw] OR subsequent*[tw] OR susceptibil*[tw] OR triers[tw] OR try[tw] OR trying[tw] OR uptake[tw] OR willing[tw] OR willingness[tw]) AND (epidemiologic studies[mh] OR ((cohort[tiab] OR cross sectional[tiab] OR follow up[tiab] OR longitudinal[tiab] OR prospective[tiab] OR retrospective[tiab]) NOT medline[sb])) AND english[la] NOT (Meta Analysis[pt] OR meta analy*[ti] OR metaanaly*[ti] OR systematic review*[ti] OR data synthesis[tw] OR data extraction[tw] OR Cochrane Database Syst Rev[ta] OR randomized controlled trial[pt]) 



4 (electronic cigarettes[mh] OR electronic cigarette*[ti] OR e-cigarette*[ti] OR vaping[ti] OR vape[ti] OR vapes[ti] OR vaporizer*[ti]) AND (adolescent[mh] OR adolescent behavior[mh] OR adolescen*[tw] OR teenager*[tw] OR teen[tw] OR youth[tw] OR pediatric* OR child[tw] OR children[tw] OR child[mh] OR young adult[mh] OR young adult[tw]) AND (Guideline[pt] OR Practice Guideline[pt] OR Consensus Development Conference[pt] OR Consensus Development Conference, NIH[pt] OR practice guidelines as topic[mh] OR guideline*[ti]) AND english[la]
National Guideline Clearinghouse 3

Guideline summary: Healthy lifestyles. In: National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC). Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ); 2016 Jan 01. [cited 2017 Nov 02].

"Recommendation: There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation regarding electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). E-cigarettes may be as effective as other types of NRT, but they may also have unrecognized harms; the potential benefits cannot currently be shown to outweigh the potential risks. (Quality of Evidence: Insufficient; Strength of Recommendation: N/A)

Benefit: E-cigarettes may be an effective method of helping individuals quit smoking.
Harm: The long-term safety of e-cigarettes have not been proven. Certain flavorings, when heated, have been shown to form compounds with known pulmonary toxicity, including diacetyl, which can cause irreversible bronchiolitis obliterans.
Benefit-Harms Assessment: The potential benefits cannot currently be shown to outweigh the potential risks.
Relevant Resources: Ebbert, Agunwamba, & Rutten, 2015; Leventhal et al., 2015; USPSTF, 2015; McRobbie et al., 2014; Orr & Asal, 2014.

Guideline summary: Recommendations on behavioural interventions for the prevention and treatment of cigarette smoking among school-aged children and youth. In: National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ); 2017 Feb 27. "Note: This guideline does not address use of smokeless tobacco products or e-cigarettes. E-cigarette interventions for smoking cessation were not considered because none have been approved for use by children and youth in Canada."

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Primary care interventions to prevent tobacco use in children and adolescents: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med. 2013 Oct 15;159(8):552-7.

FPIN CIs, PURLS, HDAs 0 e-cigarettes OR electronic cigarettes OR vaping

Author Information

Clinician Authors: Tim Asher, Jenna Leah Belden and Gary Kelsberg

Librarian:  Sarah Safranek

Search Due Date: Nov 2017

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Sarah Safranek, MLIS