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NIH Public Access Policy Help Guide

Explains the NIH Public Access Policy, the process for submitting peer reviewed articles to PubMed Central and using myNCBI to verify compliance.

Does the NIH Public Access Policy apply to your article?: NIH Compliance Checklist



My article arose from one of the following

  • Direct funding from an NIH grant, cooperative agreement active in Fiscal year 2008 or later
  • Direct funding from an NIH grant contract signed on or after April 7, 2008
  • Direct funding from NIH due to the fact that I am an employee of NIH
My article is peer-reviewed    

 [Note: "accepted for publication" refers to the date the author signed the agreement to publish NOT the date of publication]

If you checked YES in both rows, you are required to comply with the NIH Public Access Policy and ensure that your article is be made publicly accessible within 12 months of publication.


Read the details at the NIH Public Access Policy website.