Photos: Unknown Tlingit boy, Nez Perce man known as Wa-nik-noote & Makah woman known as Neclel. Courtesy of American Indians of the Pacific Northwest Digital Collection.
This guide provides information and links to resources to help you find information on the Indigenous Pacific Northwest. If you need additional resources check out the guides for American and Native American history.
Most of the databases on this guide are restricted to UW students, staff and faculty. When you use a link with lock icon you may be prompted to login with your uwnetid and password.
Have questions or need research help? Please contact Theresa Mudrock, the history librarian, via email at and Anne Jenner, the PNW curator, via email at
Historians generally use the Chicago style format for footnotes/endnotes and bibliography. This one page guide provides examples for the most common type of sources. See the Citations and Writing page for more guides and information.