The Odegaard Wellness Technology Collection consist of a variety of technology devices that promote student well-being and reduce stress. The collection includes: light therapy lamps, white noise machines, visual timers, cell phone lock boxes, and robotic companion cats. This collection is meant to provide students with technology tools for emotional regulation, sensory self-regulation, and time management. Funding for this collection was generously provided by the Student Tech Fee Program.
The Wellness Technology Collection items are available for check out at the Information Desk on the 2nd floor of Odegaard Library. These items are for in-building use only and are due back before you leave the building. A Husky Card is required for equipment check out.
Block out disruptive environmental noises to help improve focus, privacy, and relaxation. With 22 unique non-looping sounds, 10 fan sounds, 10 white noise variations, and 2 ocean surf sounds, there's something for everyone to listen to!
Don't let the Seattle sky bring you down! Use slim and portable The Vitamin L Lumie light therapy lamp to increase mood, energy levels, alertness and focus. Read more about how light therapy lamps can be used as a treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder.
The Purrble companion is a cuddly, interactive tool that helps you find calm in moments of stress, overwhelm, and other big emotions. Your companion's heart races to show emotion. Hold and pet your companion to slow their heartbeat into a gentle purr.
Start petting Companion Cat's realistic hypoallergenic fur and they'll purr with delight! An interactive companion to improve quality-of-life and alleviate feelings of loneliness.
Visual timer for time management and perfect for time blocking while studying!
Need help curbing your phone addiction? Or just need a break from screens? Increase your productivity with a phone lock box.
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