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Research Guides

Why Use Background Sources?

sample encyclopedia covers  

Encyclopedias help you figure out the who, what & where of a topic. Knowing the who, what & where of a topic is the first step in researching a topic and discovering the "how" and "why". Encyclopedias can provide background information and can be used to identify key people, events and dates which can then be used as search terms for finding additional information. Many also provide a jumpstart on your research by listing related readings.​ Two online encyclopedia collections: Gale Ebooks & Oxford Reference Online.

More In-Depth Context

Handbooks and companions provide more in-depth coverage of topics and often have a historiographical emphasis. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia: American History (ORE) is a new source that includes more than 400 article-length entries on a variety of topics. Note: ORE is single-user only so best to download the article(s) you need and close the browser tab so others can use.