Harvard Business Review (HBR) limits the number of articles you can access for free each month through their website. If you reach your limit or the materials aren't available, follow the steps below to access articles through UW Libraries.
If your professor has provided a list of citations, you can use that data to find the full text articles in the Business Source Complete database.
Example citation used in the image below:
Babic, B., Cohen, I. G., Evgeniou, T., & Gerke, S. (2021). When Machine Learning Goes Off the Rails. Harvard Business Review, 99(1), 76–84.
Type in Harvard Business Review and change the field search from “Select a field (optional)” to “SO Publication Name”
Type in the title of your article and change the field search to “TI Title”. Then click search.
If you don’t get a result, check the spelling of the publication and article title. If those both look accurate, try changing the field search from “TI Title” back to “Select a field (optional)”. This will broaden the search for the article title to a general keyword search. You may get a few more results to sift through, but may help find the full text if the article title is slightly different than the citation.