Ask yourself: “Does this pass the CRAAP test?”
Think like a fact checker”
Check for previous work: has someone already fact-checked the claim?
Go to the source: most web content is not original so go to the source, is it trust-worthy or fact-based?
Read laterally: read what other people say about the original source.
Circle back: back up and start over if you hit a dead end.
How to navigate “falsehoods in the information landscape”
Exercise skepticism
Understand the misinformation landscape
Pay extra attention when reading about emotionally-charged and divisive topics
Investigate what you're reading or seeing
Yelling probably won't solve misinformation
Can I just Google it and be done?
No! Search engines can be biased, and this impacts search results
Bias can have real world impacts.
Multiple factors influence search engine results, including your other online activities, if you share a device with other users, your previous internet search history, and how other searchers have interacted with search results.
Goldman E. Search Engine Bias and the Demise of Search Engine Utopianism. In: Web Search. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; :121-133. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-75829-7_8 -
Apply your information literacy skills when searching online
Can I just use Wikipedia and be done?
No! Wikipedia can be a helpful source for surface-level information
Check the citations and links to verify if they are reliable and trustworthy.
Trace the information back to its original sources.
Don’t rely on Wikipedia alone for scholarly research
Anyone can add, edit, or delete entries, and information can be wrong.
Bias can have real world impacts