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Abr-Nahrain : an annual under the auspices of the Department of Semitic Studies, University of Melbourne Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1961-1999. CALL #=PJ3001.
Acta antiqua. Budapest, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. CALL #=CC1 .A19.
Acta archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Budapest : Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, 1951. CALL #=DB920 .A15.
Acta orientalia. Havniae [i.e. Copenhagen, etc.] Munksgaard [etc.]. CALL #=PJ1 .A4.
Aegyptus. Milano, Scuola di papirologia dell'Universita cattolica del Sacro Cuore. CALL #=913.32 AG.
AJS review. Association for Jewish Studies. Cambridge, Mass., Association for Jewish Studies. CALL #=BM1 .A38.
American journal of ancient history. [Cambridge, Mass., s.n.]. CALL #=D51 .A44.
American journal of archaeology : the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. New York : Macmillan Co., 1897-. CALL #=913 AM ser.2.
The American journal of Semitic languages and literatures. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1895-[1941]. CALL #=492 AM. (CONTINUES Hebraica)
Analecta orientalia; commentationes scientificae de rebus Orientis antiqui cura Pontificii instituti biblici editae. Roma, Pontificio istituto biblico. CALL #=490.5 AN
Anthropological linguistics. Bloomington, Ind., Dept. of Anthropology, Indiana University. CALL # 405 AN.
L'Antiquite classique. Bruxelles [etc.]. CALL #=913.305 AN.
Antiquity. [Gloucester, Eng.] Antiquity Publications [etc.]. CALL #=913.05 ANT.
Anuari de filologia. Seccio E, Estudis hebreus i arameus / Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia. Barcelona : La Universitat, 1991- . PJ4504 .A5.
Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1929- CALL # DS261 .A7.
Archaeology. [New York, etc., Archaeological Institute of America]. CALL #=913.05 AR.
Archeologicke rozhledy. Praha, Academia. CALL # 913.05 ARC.
Archiv orientalni (Prague, Czech Republic : 1946). Archiv orientalni : journal of the Czechoslovak Oriental Institute, Prague. Praha : Orientalni ustav, [1946-. CALL # 915.05 ARC.
Archives royales de Mari (Romanized ed.). Archives royales de Mari / publiees sous la direction de Andre Parrot et Georges Dossin. Paris, Impr. nationale, 1950-. CALL # 492.19 Ar25.
Arkheologiia.Sofia, Bulgarska akademiia na naukite . CALL # CC13.R9 A7.
Arkheolohiia (Kiev, Ukraine : 1989). Arkheolohiia. Kyiv : Naukova dumka, 1989-. CALL #=CC13.U5 A7.
Atiqot : journal of the Israel Department of Antiquities / State of Israel, Ministry of Education and Culture. Jerusalem : The Ministry, 1955-1961 . CALL #=DS111.A1 A8.
Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter. CALL #=BS410 .Z5.
Berytus. Beirut, Lebanon : The American University of Beirut. CALL #=DS41 .B47. 1994/96: szcir; (disc)
Biblica. [Roma] Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1920-. CALL #=BS410 .B7.
The Biblical archaeologist. Atlanta, GA [etc.] Scholars Press [etc.]. CALL # BS620.A1 B5.
The Biblical archaeology review. [Washington, Biblical Archaeology Society]. CALL # BS620.A1 B53.
Bibliotheca orientalis. Leyden. CALL #=913.305 BI.
Biblische Zeitschrift. Paderborn [etc.] F. Schoningh [etc.] 1903-1939, 1957-. CALL #=BS410 .B78.
Bulletin d'etudes orientales. Beyrouth, Liban [etc.]. CALL #=DS41 .D3.
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. CALL #=490.65 L84b.
The Catholic Biblical quarterly. Washington, Catholic Biblical Association of America. CALL #=220 CA.
The Classical journal. [Gainesville, Fla., etc., Classical Association of the Middle West and South, etc.]. CALL #=470.5 CLA.
The Classical review. London : D. Nutt ; New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1887-. CALL #=470.5 CL.
Current archaeology. London, A & W. Selkirk. CALL #=CC1 .C87.
Dor le-dor. Dor le dor. [Jerusalem] World Jewish Bible Center. (CONT'D BY Jewish Bible quarterly). CALL #=BS410 .D66.
Etudes classiques (Namur, Belgium). Les Etudes classiques. Namur, Belgium : Facultes universitaires, 1932-. CALL #=880.5 ET.
Fides et historia. North Newton, Kan. [etc.] Conference on Faith and History. CALL #=BR1 .F53.
The Harvard theological review. Missoula, Mont. [etc.] Scholars Press [etc.]. CALL #=205 HA.
Hebraica. Chicago [etc.] University of Chicago Press [etc.]. CALL #=492 AM. (CONT'D BY American journal of Semitic languages and literature)
Hebrew annual review. [Columbus] Division of Hebrew Language and Literature, Ohio State University. CALL #=PJ4501 .H43.
Hebrew studies. [Louisville, Ky.] National Association of Professors of Hebrew in American Institutions of Higher Learning. CALL #=PJ4501 .H4.
Hebrew Union College annual. Cincinnati [Hebrew Union College]. CALL #=DS101 .H38.
Hermes. Stuttgart [etc.] F. Steiner [etc.]. CALL #=470.5 HE.
Historia (Wiesbaden, Germany). Historia : Zeitschrift fur alte Geschichte. Wiesbaden : F. Steiner, 1950-. CALL #=930.5 HI.
Indo-Iranian journal. 'S-Gravenhage : Mouton, 1957-. CALL #=891.05 IN.
International journal of nautical archaeology and underwater exploration. London ; New York : Published for the Council for Nautical Archaeology by Seminar Press, c1972-c1990. CALL #=CC77 .I58.
Interpretation. [Richmond] Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. CALL #=BR1 .I57.
Iranica antiqua. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1961-. CALL #=DS251 .I77.
Israel exploration journal. Jerusalem [Israel Exploration Society]. CALL #=DS111.A1 J87.
Israel oriental studies. [Tel Aviv] Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University. CALL #=PJ3001 .I8.
Istanbuler Mitteilungen. Tubingen [etc.] E. Wasmuth [etc.]. CALL #=DS41 .I8.
The Jewish Bible quarterly. Jerusalem : World Jewish Bible Center, 1989-. (CONTINUES Dor le-dor). CALL #=BS410 .D66.
Jewish quarterly review (London, England). The Jewish quarterly review. London ; New York : Macmillan, -1908. (Continued in 1910 by: Jewish quarterly review (Philadelphia, Pa.). CALL #=DS101 .J37.
Jewish quarterly review (Philadelphia, Pa.). The Jewish quarterly review. Philadelphia : Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, [1910-. (CONTINUES Jewish quarterly review (Lonndon, England)). CALL #=Microfilm A9587. CALL #=DS101 .J372.
Jordan. Dairat al-Athar al-Ammah. Annual of the Department of Antiquities. Amman, Dept. of Antiquities, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. CALL #=DS153.3 .A3.
Journal for the scientific study of religion. [Storrs, Conn., etc., Society for the Scientific Study of Religion]. CALL #=BL1 .J6.
Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman period. Leiden, E. J. Brill. CALL #=BM176 .J6.
Journal for the study of the Old Testament. [Sheffield, Eng., University of Sheffield, Dept. of Biblical Studies.]. CALL #=BS410 .J68.
Journal of archaeological research. New York : Plenum Press, c1993-. CALL #=CC1
Journal of Biblical literature. [Boston, Mass.] : Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, 1890-. CALL #=Microfiche M-489. CALL #=220 JB.
Journal of Palestine studies. Washington, D.C. [etc.] Institute for Palestine Studies and Kuwait University. CALL #=DS119.7 .J68.
The Journal of religious history. [Sydney, Association for the Journal of Religious History]. CALL #=BR140 .J65.
Journal of Semitic studies. Manchester, Manchester University Press. CALL #=492.05 JO.
Journal of the American Academy of Religion. [Chico, Calif., etc., American Academy of Religion]. CALL #=BV1460 .A54.
Journal of the American Oriental Society. New Haven [etc.] American Oriental Society. CALL #=Microfiche M-3145; CALL #=915.06 Am3j. CALL #=915.06 Am3j.
Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University. New York, Columbia University, Ancient Near Eastern Society. CALL #=DS41 .C65.
Journal of the Oriental Institute. Oriental Institute (Vadodara, India). Baroda. CALL #=Microfilm A4468. CALL #=PJ25 .B3.
Journal of theological studies. London. CALL #=205 JT.
Journal of world prehistory. New York : Plenum Press, c1987-. CALL #=CC1 .J68.
Judaica; Beitrage zum Verstandnis des judischen Schicksals in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart Basel [etc.] Stiftung fur Kirche und Judentum [etc.]. CALL #=DS101 .J75.
Judaism. [New York] American Jewish Congress. CALL #=BM1 .J8.
Kadmos. Berlin, New York, DeGruyter. CALL #=CN1 .K3.
Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazkoi. Berlin, Verlag Gebr. Mann. CALL #=PJ3721.B6 K37.
Leshonenu. Yerushalayim, Akademyah le-lashon ha-ivrit. CALL #=PJ4503 .L45.
Melanges de l'Universite Saint-Joseph. CALL #=DS41 .B43.
Middle Eastern studies. London, F. Cass. CALL #=DS41 .M535.
Minos. Salamanca : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Colegio Trilingue de la Universidad. CALL #=913.3918 MI.
Miscelanea de estudios arabes y hebraicos. [Granada] Universidad de Granada. CALL #=PJ3001 .M5.
Modern Judaism. Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, c1981-. Suzzallo Periodicals; CALL #=BM1 .M63.
Monographic journals of the Near East. Afroasiatic linguistics. Malibu, Calif. : Undena Publications. CALL #=PJ990 .A15.
Names. Potsdam, N.Y. [etc.] State University College [etc.]. CALL #=929.405 NA.
New Testament abstracts. [Cambridge, Mass., Weston School of Theology]. CALL #=BS410 .N35.
New Testament studies. London, [etc.], Cambridge University Press. CALL #=225.05 NE.
The numismatic chronicle. London : Taylor & Walton, 1839-1841. CALL #=737.05 NUC.( CONTINUES Numismatic journal) (CONT'D BY Numismatic chronicle, and journal of the Numismatic Society)
The numismatic chronicle, and journal of the Numismatic Society. London : Tayor & Walton, 1842-. CALL #=737.05 NUC. (CONTINUES Numismatic chronicle)
The numismatic journall. London : E. Wilson, 1837. CALL #=737.05 NU. (CONT'D BY Numismatic chronicle).
Orient. [Hong Kong]. CALL #=DS1 .O43.
Orientalia. [Roma] Pontificium institutum biblicum. CALL #=Microfiche M-3144. CALL #=PJ6 .O7.
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag [etc.]. CALL #=PJ5 .O6.
Oxford journal of archaeology. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, c1982-. CALL #=CC1 .O946. (Connect to this title online; UW restricted; http://
Palestine exploration quarterly. London, Palestine Exploration Fund. CALL #=DS108.9 .P26.
Phoenix. Toronto, University of Toronto Press. CALL #=480.5 PHO.
Prooftexts. Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, c1981-. CALL #=PJ5001 .P76.
Religion and society. Bangalore, India. CALL #=BL1 .C515.
Religious and theological abstracts. [Myerstown, Pa., etc., Religious and Theologial Abstracts, inc., etc.]. CALL #=BR1 .R286.
Religious studies and theology. [Edmonton : University of Alberta, 1985]-. CALL #=BL1 .B438.
Review of religious research. [New York] Religious Research Association. CALL #=BL1 .R485.
Revue archeologique. Paris, Ernest Leroux. CALL #=913.05 REV.
Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orientale. [Paris] Presses universitaires de France [etc.]. CALL #=Microfiche M-3148. CALL #=PJ3103 .R4.
Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire ancienne. Paris, Editions Klincksieck [etc.]. CALL #=480.5 RE.
Revue de Qumran. Paris, Editions Letouzey et Ane. CALL #=BM487.A62 R4.
Revue d'egyptologie. Paris : Societe francaise d'egyptologie. CALL #=PJ1003 .R35.
Revue des etudes anciennes. Paris [etc.] Societe d'Edition "Les belles lettres" [etc.]. CALL #=913.38 REV.
Revue des etudes grecques. Paris : E. Leroux, 1888-. CALL #=913.38 RE.
Revue des etudes juives. [Paris, s.n.]. LOCATION: MicNews; CALL #=Microfiche M-1996. CALL #=DS101 .R47.
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses. CALL #=BR3 .R47.
Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie. Bonn [Germany] : E. Weber, 1833-. CALL #=470.5 RH. (CONTINUES Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie, Geschichte und griechische Philosophie)
Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie, Geschichte und griechische Philosophie. Bonn [Germany] : E. Weber, 1827-1829. CALL # 470.5 PH. (CONT'D BY Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie)
Science and archaeology. Stafford [Eng.] George Street Press. CALL #=CC1 .S3.
Science of religion bulletin. Amsterdam : Institute for the Study of Religion, Free University [and] Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Leeds, 1976-1979. CALL #=BL1 .S35.
Semeia. [Missoula, Scholars Press]. CALL #=BS410 .S45.
Semitics. [Pretoria] : University of South Africa. CALL #=PJ3001 .S37.
Studia Orientalia / edited by the Finnish Oriental Society. Helsinki : The Society. CALL #=490.5 ST.
Studies in comparative religion. [Bedfont, Eng., Perennial Books, etc.]. CALL #=BL1 .S78. (CONTINUES Tomorrow)
Syria. Paris, P. Geuthner. CALL #=913.394 SY.
Tarbits.( Trbys)( Tarbiz) Yerushalim : Hevrah le-hotsaat sefarim al-yad ha-Universitah ha- Ivrit, 1929- CALL #=Microfiche M-1420. CALL #=DS101 .T35.
Tomorrow. [Bedfont, Eng., etc., Tomorrow Publications, etc.]. CALL #=133.05 TO. (CONT'D BY Studies in comparative religion)
Tradition. [New York, Human Sciences Press, etc.] CALL #=BM1 .T7.
Tsiyon.( Tsiyon measef) .Yerushalayim : ha-Hevrah ha-historiti ha-Yisrelit, 738 [1977 or 1978]. CALL #=DS101 .T842. (CONT'D BY Tsiyon (Jerusalem)).
Tsiyon (Jerusalem) . Yerushalayim : ha-Hevrah ha-Erets-Yisreelit le-historyah ve- etnografyah, [1935-. CALL #=Microfiche M-2003. CALL #=DS101 .T84. (CONTINUES Tsiyon measef)
Ugarit-Forschungen. Kevelaer, Verlag Butzon & Bercker. CALL #=PJ4150 .U4.
University of California publications in Semitic philology. Berkeley, Calif. University of California Press, 1907-1963. CALL # PJ3002 .C3.
Vetus testamentum. Leiden, Netherlands : E.J. Brill, 1951-. CALL #=BS410 .V45.
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden : Kommissionsverlag F. Steiner. CALL #=915.06 D48z.
Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiet. Leipzig : O. Schulze, 1886-1938. CALL #=PJ3104 .Z5.
Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. Berlin, New York [etc.] W. de Gruyter [etc.] 1881-. CALL #=BS410 .Z4.