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Geospatial Data Resources Guide: International Data Resources

International Data Resources

Suggested Starting Point:

World Countries - GIS Data on WAGDA

Global Regions


  • Canada Open Maps
    Open Maps provides access to the Government of Canada’s geospatial information. You can combine, visualize, and analyze geospatial data.
  • GeoGratis
    Canadian government GIS repository provided by the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada. Contains both physical and human geography datasets, vector and raster, for free. Most files are in Interchange Format (e00).
  • GeoBC Data Catalogue
    Access to BC Government datasets, applications, and web services.
  • British Columbia GIS Open Data Portal
    The Commission provides public access to spatial and non-spatial data that supports oil and gas operations in the province of British Columbia.


    INEGI, responsible for regulating and coordinating the National System of Statistical and Geographical Information, collects and disseminates information on variety of topics for Mexico.
  • Georeferenced Population Datasets of Mexico *1990s
    NASA's Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) provides population data from 1990s



    Entry point to spatial data provided by Latin American and Caribbean agencies.


  • STRI GIS Portal 
    GIS data on Panama compiled by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute 


  • Brazil Open Data
    Open data published by the national and state governments (in Portuguese)


  • Datos.gob 
    Open data published by the public institutions in Chile (in Spanish)





European Union

  • European Union Open Data Portal
    Provides economic, social, science, and education data for the European Union.
  • EU EEA Data and Maps
    European Union European Environment Agency. Provides data related to developing, adopting, implementing, and evaluating environmental policy.

United Kingdom

  • Open Geography Portal
    UK's Office for National Statistics provides free and open access to geospatial data.


  • AfricaMap
    Based on the Harvard University Geospatial Infrastructure (HUG) platform, and was developed by the Center for Geographic Analysis to make spatial data on Africa easier for researchers to discover and explore.
  • Africa GeoPortal
    ESRI hosted open mapping community with geospatial data provided by ESRI, other users, and Africa focus organizations.
  • openAFRICA: Africa Shapefiles
    2020 shapefiles for Africa, including South Sudan and Abyei
  • openAFRICA
    Volunteer-driven independent repository of open data on African continent.

Central Africa

  • CARPE Open Data Portal
    USAID provided collection of spatial data related to conservation activities within the Congo Basin.

East Asia

  • ChinaMap
    Harvard-based map of China supported with data from Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Social Explorer, and China Data Center - powered by WorldMap.
  • Korea Open Data Portal
    Data provided by Korean Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport National Geography Information Institute
  • Solargis
    Solar resource maps for East Asia and Pacific, licensed by The World Bank.

Southeast Asia

    Open data portal for Australian public data published by federal, state and local government agencies, including geodata.
  • Data SA 
    South Australian Government Data Directory, including geospatial data
  • DataVic 
    Open data for the state of Victoria, including geospatial data