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Research Guides

Ready to Publish? Preparing to Write for Publication

Resources for Preparing to Write for Publication:

Ready to Publish? Resources for Selecting a Geography Journal

Academic Writing tips:


Preparing to Write for Publication:

1) Journals

For some disciplines the journals can be identified comparatively easily and therefore be described or evaluated in books such as Journals in Psychology or Historical journals : a handbook for writers and reviewers. Nothing so concise exists for Geography. There are several resources, however, which you can use in addition to consultations with your advisors and colleagues.

The following journal articles are very selective and writing styles vary from discipline.


Geography Journal Articles


Economics Journals


Law Reviews & Journals

The following guide is an invaluable compilation on ranking and evaluating legal journals was compiled by Mary Whisner & Ann Hemmens, Marion Gould Gallagher Law Library, University of Washington School of Law.


2) Magazines for Libraries

Skimming multiple chapters, e.g. Latin American Studies, Urban Studies, may be necessary to get the most out of this source. Reviews from this publication are included in Ulrichsweb which is easily searched for individual titles. It is important to note that Magazines for Libraries is very selective, not comprehensive.


3) ISI Impact Factors & Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and Alternatives in Development

The Institute for Scientific Iinformation (ISI) has produced citation indexes since the 1960s and in the 1970s began publishing in-house statistical analyses as Journal Citation Reports (JCR) (UW Restricted). Careful interpretation of this data will be based on a thorough understanding of the methodologies, and their limits, used to generate these reports. ISI provides extensive literature to support use of the JCR including:


Additional Open Access Resources:


Journal Impact Factors: Key Resources