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University of Washington
University Libraries
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Start Your Research
Articles & Research Databases
Literature on your research topic and direct access to articles online, when available at UW.
Alphabetical list of electronic journal titles held at UW.
Encyclopedias & Dictionaries
Resources for looking up quick facts and background information.
E-Newspapers, Media, Maps & More
Recommendations for finding news, audio/video, images, government publications, data sets and other types.
Evaluating Information
Learn how to choose the best and most reliable information that meets your research needs.
Citation Styles & Tools
Quick MLA, APA, and Chicago style guides for bibliographies; tools for storing and organizing sources.
Course Reserves
Library materials reserved for your classes.
Collections & Archives
Unique online and physical collections on specific subjects, in distinct formats, and in special archives.
Mobile Search Tools
Mobile-optimized research databases and library-related mobile apps.
Research Guides
Librarian recommended resources & research tips tailored to your topic.
Undergraduate Researcher Tutorial
Self-paced online tutorial that introduces students to research skills and UW Libraries resources and services.
on research
Use the Libraries
Your Library Account
Log in to renew borrowed materials, check on items you have requested, and pay fines.
Study & Meeting Spaces
Study, conference, event, and meeting spaces, and how to reserve them.
Computers & Printing
Computers, printers, and scanners in the Libraries.
We are committed to providing equal access to library collections, services, and facilities for all library users.
Interlibrary Loan & Scanning Services
Get PDFs of print articles delivered via email and borrow items not held at UW.
Borrowing & Access
What you can check out from the Libraries, how long, renewals, and returns.
on using the Libraries
Help & Support
Short, simple how-to and demos of frequently asked questions about using the Libraries and information resources.
Graduate Funding Info Service
Assistance with locating funding for research, tuition, travel, and other graduate school-related expenses.
Off-Campus Access & Technical Support
Using library resources from off-campus and other technical tips.
Open Scholarship Commons
One-stop shop for knowledge creation and dissemination services.
Resources for Writing
Campus writing help and links to online resources.
Scholarly Publishing & Open Access
Info and tools for scholarly publishing and open-access publishing alternatives.
Subject Librarians
Talk to a librarian with expertise in your subject area for help with your research.
Teaching Support
Collaborative library instructional services that can improve the research and information skills of your students.
Libraries & Hours
Contact info, map location, and hours for all library branches.
News Events Exhibits
What's going on at the Libraries: announcements, upcoming events, and current exhibits.
Organization At-a-Glance
Staff directory and info about the Office of the Dean and other library departments.
Support the Libraries
Give to the Libraries! Join the Friends of the Libraries.
Our Blog
News, views and impact stories from the UW Libraries.
Student, staff, and librarian job opportunities at the Libraries.
Libraries policies governing use of library resources, space, and services.
Strategic Plan
Current Libraries strategic goals and initiatives.
about the Libraries
Art Library
Built Environments Library
Drama Library
Engineering Library
Foster Business Library
Friday Harbor Library
Government Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers
Health Sciences Library
Mathematics Research Library
Music Library
Odegaard Undergraduate Library
Research Commons
Special Collections
Suzzallo and Allen Libraries
Tateuchi East Asia Library
UW Bothell/Cascadia Library
UW Tacoma Library
Ask Us!
Get help 24/7 with this real-time chat service.
Get answers to less-urgent questions and comments via email.
Make an appointment and get specialized help from a librarian.
ways to contact us
Research Guides
Race and Equity
Climate change
Indigenous communities
Additional research tools
Start Your Research
Research Guides
University of Washington Libraries
Library Guides
UW Libraries
Environmental Justice
Additional research tools
Environmental Justice: Additional research tools
Selected databases
Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection
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Scholarly articles in the environmental sciences, including policy, activism, and more.
JSTOR Sustainability
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Journals, ebooks, and research reports in the field of sustainability.
PAIS Index
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Scholarly articles on social and public policy.
Sociological Abstracts
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Scholarly articles in sociology, including social movements and activism.
America: History & Life with Full Text
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Scholarly articles on American and Canadian history, including contemporary history.
Gale Ebooks
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Full text encyclopedias in all subject areas
Selected journals
Environmental Justice
Peer-reviewed journal exploring the equitable treatment of vulnerable populations, with respect to the environment.
Race, Poverty, and the Environment
The national journal of environmental and social justice.
Environmental Ethics
Interdisciplinary journal dedicated to philosophical aspects of environmental problems.
Mapping tools
The following tools allow you to view environmental and demographic indicators.
Washington Environmental Health Disparities Map
Interactive mapping tool that compares communities across our state for environmental health disparities.
EPAs environmental justice mapping and screening tool that combines environmental and demographic indicators.
EJ Atlas
Global atlas of social conflict around environmental issues
Energy Democracy for All
From the Center for Social Inclusion; pinpoints communities across America that are developing community-scale renewable energy projects.
Energy Justice Network
Existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the United States.
WA State Department of Ecology online tools & databases
Wide range of data and mapping tools for exploring air quality, toxic cleanups, water pollution, and more.
ECHO: Enforcement and Compliance History Online
EPA; search for facilities to assess their compliance with environmental regulations.