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THIST 440 Black Labor in America: Getting Started

Accompanying research guide for THIST 440 Black Labor in America

UW Libraries Search


Advanced Search

Tips for Searching:

Once you've run a search, use the "Refine My Results" options on the left side of the page.  It's a quick way to drill down to the most useful results without paging through a lot of items you're not really interested in

Encyclopedias and Reference

Encyclopedias and reference materials can provide background information and can be used to identify key people, events, and dates which can then be used as search terms for finding additional information.  Many also provide a jumpstart on your research by listing related readings.


Browse Books

Browse the library stacks using these call number ranges:

HD 5306-HD 5474: Labor Disputes, Strikes, and Lockouts

HD 6050-HD 6305: Classes of Labor, including Race, Gender, and Age

HD 6350-HD 6940.7: Trade and Labor Unions, Worker's Associations

HD 8081: African American Employment History


Course texts

Recommended Reference Collections