Many major newspapers historically wrote for a large readership often assumed to be "mainstream" in its interests and identities. To counter and expand such a limited form of journalism many movements, groups, and communities created their own newspapers to reach, inform, and empower readers not addressed in those "mainstream" papers. Additionally, local and regional audiences varied in their interests and identities with many cities and towns developing their own newspapers. Exploring these historical papers helps students and scholars develop much greater, more complex knowledge of history.
There were other Tacoma newspapers in the early part of the 20th century. The titles listed below are available in microfilm at both the Tacoma Public Library and the University of Washington Libraries. Many of these titles are reference in the Tacoma Public Library's Building Index
For additional dates of the titles listed below, search by title of newspaper in Advanced Search in the UW Libraries Search and limit your search to Journals.
The range and number of African American newspapers created a vibrant and highly significant impact. The extraordinary work and legacy of the Black press as evidenced in the selective examples below provide a very rich resource for students and scholars.
From Japanese Americans imprisoned in U.S. camps to women's rights to labor activists (and many more), sharing ideas, stories, and arguments through journalism remains a vital way for all readers to develop much more informed and accurate understandings of history.
Learn about important moments of history through these historical news resources: Independent Voices (1960s-1990s), Seattle Union Record (started in 1901), The Washington State Teacher (started in 1941), Women's Press (1970-1997), and Alt-PressWatch (1980s-current)