3D Anatomy Models
Guide to 3D anatomy models available at the Health Sciences Library (HSL).
About 3D Models at the HSL
Borrowing Policy
- Models may not leave the Health Sciences Library (HSL).
- Models are available on the third floor of the library on a first come, first served basis.
Available HSL Models
Models on this page are organized into two categories: Bone & Skeleton Models or Organ Models (organ models are further grouped by Head & Neck, Torso, Extremities, and Skin).
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Bone & Skeleton Models
- Lower Jaw of Preadolescent with Removable TeethShows the left side of the lower jaw bone, tooth structure, and arteries, veins, and nerves of a 10-12 year old child. Depicts deciduous teeth being replaced by permanent teeth. Includes four teeth that can be extracted from the jaw: an incisor, a premolar, a molar, and a developing canine. Scaled to 3-1/2 times life size. Features thirty-one numbered structures that are identified in the accompanying key.
- Muscle Spine with DisordersThis flexible life-size model of a human spine with muscles also demonstrates some common spine disorders. Features the following: Color-coded spinal curvatures, occipital bone and cerebellum, circle of Willis, vertebral artery, sciatic nerve, right brachial plexus, 1st and 2nd ribs, sacroiliac ligaments. Muscles include: subocciptal triangle, longus capitis, scalene muscles, psoas major and minor, iliacus, gluteus medius and minimus, piriformis, gemellus. Disorders shown: bone spurs on L5, herniated disc between L4 and L5, L1, L2 and L3 divide to show compression fractures, osteoporosis, bone tumor, osteoarthritis of the hip.
- Pelvis, femaleCast from natural specimen; consisting of the two upper parts of ilium, sacrum and coccyx and 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, as well as the discs, symphysis, and base of femur.
- Skeleton, articulated 1Premier articulated skeleton.
- Skeleton, articulated 2Life-size, articulated, plastic human skeleton showing numbered muscle origins (red) and insertions (blue) on the right side and fully flexible joints on the left side. Also features a flexible spine and head joints, protruding spinal nerves and vertebral arteries, along with a lumbar slipped disc. Mounted on a metal rod with stable metal stand and casters.
- Skeleton, disarticulated half 1Includes bones from one side of the body, ribs, upper and lower extremity, the entire skull, sternum with costal cartilages, and a full set of vertebrae. Hand and foot are articulated; skull has a calvaria cut.
- Skeleton, disarticulated half 2Includes bones from one side of the body, ribs, upper and lower extremity, the entire skull, sternum with costal cartilages, and a full set of vertebrae. Hand and foot are articulated; skull has a calvaria cut.
- Skeleton, kinesiology, with hang-up mountPlastic bones replicast from those of a select male specimen.
- Skeleton, muscle paintings 1Human skeleton with muscle paintings. Plastic model of human skeleton. Muscle origins in red and insertions in blue are painted on the right side. On the left half, skeletal features are number coded.
- Skeleton, muscle paintings 2Painted muscle attachments, more than 300 numbered features, flexible spine with complete spinal cord, nerve branches, vertebral arteries, lumbar disk prolapse, and flexible life-like joint ligaments of the right shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee.
- Skeleton of Female PelvisCast from natural specimen; consisting of the two upper parts of ilium, sacrum and coccyx and 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, as well as the discs, symphysis, and base of femur.
- Spinal cord in spinal canalOne-piece brainstem and spinal cord as well as the nerve branches up to the coccygeal plexus. On the left side the sympathetic trunk with its connections to the central nervous system are shown.
- Spinal Cord Segment ModelModel replicates a segment of the upper thoracic spinal cord. Sectioned both longitudinally and in cross section, a portion of white matter of the right half has been cut away to expose the anterior and posterior nerve roots. Color-coding differentiates nerve fiber type and a color-keyed circuitry schematic is mounted along with the model on a hardwood base. 30 numbered features are identified in a corresponding key.
- Vertebra, fifth cervical with spinal cord and origin of nerves7 times life-size model depicts a section through the human cervical spinal cord situated within the spinal canal of the surrounding cervical vertebra. Also portrayed are the spinal nerves, spinal ganglion, artery and veins of the cervical vertebra.
- Vertebra, fourth and fifth lumbar with herniated diskDepicting the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, this life-size 4-part plastic replica includes the spinal cord with nerve branches, and an intervertebral herniated disk.
Organ Models
Head & Neck
- BrainAn enlarged and detailed section through the right half of the brain with a portion of the base and skull. One side of the model conforms to the median plane and includes a section of the falx cerebri. The reverse surface represents a sagittal cut which exposes which exposes the lateral ventricle.
- Brain with arteriesRepresentation of arterial network of vessels; separates into 9 parts: frontal and parietal lobes (2), temporal and occipital lobes (2), medulla (2), cerebellum (2), and basilar artery.
- Cerebrospinal fluid circulationEnlarged doubled-sided section through the right side of the brain and base of skull shows the cut meningial edges, and through color-coding identifies the regions within and surrounding the brain which in life are bathed in cerebrospinal fluid; direction of the flow of the circulating fluid through each region is indicated by arrows; supported upright on a detachable stand.
- Dura mater, proportionsNatural size, on a base, in 2 parts; showing the proportions of the dura mater and the sinus of the dura mater; the 12 pairs of cranial nerves and the basilar artery with branchings are exposed.
- EarEar modell [sic] = Modele de l'oreille.
- Ear, innerWith its life-like vibrating eardrum, movable ossicles, liquid-filled cochlea and basilar membrane, the model mimics the human middle and inner ear; it demonstrates how the structure of the ear makes hearing possible.
- EyeThe human eye : with eyelid and lacrimal organs, enlarged approx. 5 times = L'œil humain : avec des organes oculaires et lacrimales, agrandi environ 5 fois.
- Functional Model of the LarynxEnlarged approximately 3 times--the opening and closing of the glottis, the variation in tension of the vocal cord, and the change of position can be demonstrated in an intuitively accessible way.
- Head, musculatureRepresentation of the superficial musculature of head and neck showing: Parotid gland, ubmandibular gland (right half), deep musculature (left half), lower jaw partially exposed.
- Head, two sectionsLife-size replica of the human head and neck, down to the level of the clavicle, which has been sectioned sagittally.
- Human Nose Model with Paranasal SinusesModel displays the structure of the nose with the nasal sinuses within a right upper face half. The color-coded bone allows an external identification of the location of the nasal sinuses by taking a ateral view through the transparent skin cover. Removing the cheek bone (zygomatic bone) will reveal a view into the right maxillary sinus. In addition, the right nasal sinus, which is lined with mucosa, has been opened by a midline incision and its nasal conchae can be removed. The mucous membranes have been partially excised to reveal the olfactory nerves, the nerve supply of the lateral sinus wall, the nasal conchae and the roof of the mouth.
- LarynxNatural size, two parts, labeled with booklet as a key.
- Larynx cartilagesCartilages of the larynx: functional model.
- Larynx with tongueFive piece model of the human larynx, tongue, and lower jaw on a detachable base. The front of the lower jaw is detachable and separates into 2 parts.
- Skull with muscle attachments4-part Skull on Cervical Spine, hand painted muscle origins in red and insertions in blue on the right side and larger muscles have their name hand lettered in place, smaller muscles are numbered and significant features numbered on the left. Flexibly articulated in its natural position atop the cervical spine which is mounted on a hard wood base. All seven cervical vertebrae, paired spinal nerves, vertebral arteries, medulla and spinal cord are present.
- Thyroid DiseasesModels of four different thyroid gland examples which may be attached to thyroid model. Gland models show a normal thyroid. Hashimoto's thyroiditis also known as lymphocytic thyroiditis which is a progressive autoimmune disease. Graves' Disease, an autoimmune disease and a type of hyperthyroidism. Papillary carcinoma, usually the least aggressive and least malignant of thyroid cancers.
- Baby Transparent Lavage ModelRealistic touch feeling, this infant manikin is suitable for practice lavage training in medical and nursing colleges among primary level health departments. Life-like anatomical structure including double lung, esophagus, stomach, diaphragm, liver, spleen, intestine with transparent front cover for the directly observing the internal anatomical structure and tube location.
- Breast: Common PathologiesFull size cross section model depicts common pathologies such as adenocarcinoma, cysts, fibroadenoma, and infiltrating scirrhus carcinoma. Model also shows breast structures such as suspensory ligaments, fat tissue, lymph nodes, muscles, and ribs.
- Colon: Common PathologiesCut-away view model with the following common pathologies: adhesions, appendicitis, bacterial infection, cancer, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, polyps, spastic colon, and ulcerative colitis.
- Digestive system, life-sizedLife-sized digestive system.
- Genital organs, femaleNatural size, internal and external female genital organs. Median section. The internal organs can be removed from the pelvic floor. Separates into 4 parts.
- Heart 1The heart = Cœur.
- Heart 2Life-sized, transparent 2-part heart. The front heart wall is held in place with a clear peg and magnets and when removed reveals the chambers and valves inside.
- Heart with bypassTwice the size of a human adult heart, with three hinged portals allow full access to heart chambers and valves, plus an accurately-scaled brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid, and left subclavian artery, complete with right and left internal thoracic (internal mammary) arteries, plus attachable/detachable bypass vessels of flexible tubing in a variety of lengths.
- Hypertension SetMiniature brain, eye, heart, kidney and artery models. Education card illustrates effects associated with hypertension: ocular pathologies, artherosclerosis, arterial plaque, kidney failure and stroke.
- KidneyRight kidney scaled to three times life-size and sectioned over its length.
- Kidney Normal/PathologyOversized two-sided kidney model has a normal anatomy cutaway on one side and a diseased anatomy cutaway on the other side depicting: infection, scarring, atrophy, urinary (kidney) stones, tumor, polycystic disease, hypertension effects.
- Liver, blood vessel systemEnlarged approximately 1 1/2 times. Open from the side facing the intestines to show the branches of the vessels in the liver and the bile duct system.
- Liver and PeritoneumLiver and peritoneum SAM 145.
- Liver lobuleDepicts a highly magnified section of a few liver lobules, the plastic replica shows veins, hepatic artery, bile ductule, connective tissue, sinusoids, cells, and bile canaliculi. Fifteen numbered structures are identified in the accompanying key.
- Liver with gallbladder, pancreas, and duodenumThis life size model shows a section of the liver with gall bladder, pancreas and duodenum, hepatic and pancreatic ducts.
- Liver with PathologiesFull size liver model with the following common pathologies: Cirrhosis (septal and nodular), biliary obstruction, gallstones and tumors.
- LungLungenmodell = Lung model = Poumon modele = Pulmon modelo.
- Lungs with heart, diaphragm and larynxModel of the human chest can be dismantled to demonstrate the larynx, thyroid, trachea, esophagus, lungs, heart, and diaphragm. Chest mounted on green plastic backing, with 6 removable parts. Thirty-three elements of the body are numbered; descriptions are provided in the accompanying guide (stored in a slot at the top of the frame) in German, English, French, and Spanish.
- Lymph nodeSectioned, enlarged approximately 25 times; semi-schematic presentation of the internal formation of a lymph node with the vessels leading to and from the node; 14 structures of the lymph node are identified in the accompanying key.
- PancreasFull size model shows pancreatic cancer, the gallbladder with stones, a ruptured spleen and duodenal ulcer.
- Pancreas, Spleen, and part of DuodenumPancreas with spleen and part of the duodenum.
- Pelvic Region, FemaleDeluxe OB-GYN.
- Pelvic Region, MaleDeluxe male pelvis.
- ProstateComplete unit includes six full size prostates. Conditions shown include: normal prostate; normal size prostate with hard nodule below right lobe surface; prostate with enlarged right lobe; enlarged prostate, symmetrical surface, slight median furrow; enlarged prostate, hard nodule below right base surface; enlarged prostate with hard irregular surface and seminal vesicle involvement.
- TorsoShows muscle features and surface topography. Includes 11 life-size organ systems; each system is surveyed in an accompanying 48-minute audio cassette. There are 5 interchangable pelvic inserts. You can change the gender from male to female, or make it genderless. It shows the non-pregnant female conditon, or demonstrates pregenancy in the 1st-or 3rd trimesters. This torso gives you 5 ways to configure the same model.
- TSE Model: (Two Lumps in One Testicle)Designed for an authentic representation of how testicles feel inside the skin of the scrotum. Model has two palpable lumps in one testicle and none in the other.
- Urinary organNatural size, in one piece mounted on board; showing the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and the blood vessels; the right kidney is sagittally sectioned revealing its cortex, medulla, papillae, calyces, pelvis, and the ramifications of the renal artery and vein; the bladder is also sagittally sectioned.
- Uterus-Ovary: Common PathologiesFull size cross-section model illustrates multiple pathologies, some of which include: adhesions, carcinoma in four common areas, cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, pedunculated fibroid tumor, polyps and salpingitis.
- 4-Stage Osteoarthritis KneeSet of four knee models, reduced size, illustrating: degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis); erosion to joint articular cartilage; progression of degenerative joint disease; osteophytes (bone spurs) at the articular surfaces. Advanced stage knee is articulating for additional view of joint.
- Arm, muscledLife-sized left arm. Each of the 84 features of the arm are labeled.
- Arm, vascularLife-size model of the left arm and hand in a semi-flexed position with the brachial, radial and ulnar arteries, and veins shown.
- Elderly Pressure Injury FootUsed for instruction on the care and cleaning of pressure ulcers in various stages. Pressure ulcers are more likely to appear over pressure points such as heels, tips of toes, between toes, or anywhere the bones may protrude and rub against socks, shoes, or bed sheets.
- Hip Implant ModelShows three scaled down hip models: healthy hip, diseased hip, and a knee with hip implant. Pelvis and femur can be separated, the implant can be removed from the femur.
- Joint, synovialThis rigid life-size cutaway through the bone and joint capsule of a typical diarthrotic synovial joint clearly displays the articular disc, articular cartilage, synovial membrane and capsular ligament as well as structure of the articulating bones.
- Knee joint, functionalNatural size; showing the ligaments and cartilages.
- Leg, foot, and hip, leftDissectible into a total of nine parts, this 3/4 scale reproduction depicts the muscles, nerves, bones, tendons and vessels of the left leg, foot and hip; eight superficial muscles are individually detachable to expose deeper muscles; inverted on pedestal base.
- Leg musculatureLife-sized, hand painted and numbered, includes arteries, nerves, veins, and bones, as well as the 12 removable muscles of the model.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis HandFull size right hand with cutaway views to reveal the effects of rheumatoid arthritis on ligaments, flexor and extensor tendons, muscle, cartilage, bones, synovial membrane, and joint spaces. A cross-section of the metacarpophalangeal joint capsules shows progression of the disease, including synovial swelling, erosion, and degeneration. Swan neck and boutonniere deformities are depicted on the second and third phalanges, respectively. Flexor tendons can be lifted for better viewing of carpals.
- Shoulder jointShoulder joint.
- Upper extremity with musclesScaled to 3/4 life-size, this replica presents the muscles, nerves, tendons, blood vessels and bones of the left hand, arm, and shoulder.
- Aging Skin, Hair Loss and Normal SkinEnlarged two-sided skin cross-section. The 'aging' side shows increasing age in three stages from left to right; decreasing elatin and collagen, increasing wrinkles and age spots. Also portrays decreased blood flow due to shrinking blood vessels, thinning hair follicle length and width associated with the balding process. Graying hair, shrinking fat cells, and smaller sweat glands are also shown.
- Life/Form Skin Cancer TrainersThe enlarged trainer shows a normal mole, basal cell carcinoma (basalioma), squamous cell carcinoma (spinalioma), and malignant melanoma. Variations of how the different types of skin cancer may appear are shown.
- Microscopic Skin, Hair & Nail ModelThe skin model shows the microscopic structure of the human skin in great detail. With the help of the different skin sections of the hairless skin (for example palm of hand) and the hairy skin (for example forearm) the different skin cell layers as well as the embedded sweat glands, touch receptor, blood vessels, nerves and a hair with root can be seen. Furthermore a nail section model on the base shows the nail plate, nail bed and the nail root. The representation of a hair root with all its cell layers completes the skin model.
- Precancerous and Cancerous Skin LesionsModel presents full size and enlarged views of dysplastic nevus, actinic keratosis, malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma skin lesions. Each disk has a 3-dimensional surface to help demonstrate the skin condition. Back side of disk presents additional lesion information.
- Skin Burns, Normal SkinEnlarged two-sided skin cross-section. The skin burn model shows indication of first, second and third degree burns. The reverse side illustrates normal skin anatomy.
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UW 3D Printing
This is not a complete list of 3D printing services at the UW. Services may not be available at all times.
Please note: Most 3D anatomical models are not 3D printed but are cast in molds.