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Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine

PubMed: My NCBI

My NCBI is changing, but a PubMed Log In is still your personal space on the NLM computer system for saving searches, search results, PubMed preferences, and for creating automatic email alerts. Click on the Log In link at the top right of the PubMed window to get started.

FAQ about NCBI changes

Saving Your Search and Creating an Automatic Email Alert

Saving Your Search and Creating an Automatic Email Alert (video tutorial)

  1. Sign into My NCBI.
  2. Run your search using any terms and limits needed for your topic.
  3. Click 'Create alert' link, under the PubMed search box.
  4. Your search strategy will appear below a box labeled 'Name of saved search.' (See below)
  5. Edit the search name to something short, yet meaningful, e.g. late life depression (100 character maximum).
  6. Click the 'Save' button.
  7. To sign up for automatic email updates of new search results, fill in the 'Save Search Settings' form. Options can be set for update frequency, zero results notification, report format, etc.
  8. Click 'Save.'
  9. Repeat the process for any additional searches, then click on 'Sign Out.'

You may store up to 100 searches per User Name.
Stored search strategies can be modified, and frequency of updates adjusted. MyNCBI Help: Saving and Managing Searches (text)
You can also create email alerts for articles from your favorite journals: PubMed: E-mail Alerts for Articles from your Favorite Journals (3 min. video)

MyNCBI Naming a Saved Search