DNP Capstone
Welcome to the DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) Capstone Guide. To get started on finding information for your capstone project, click on one of the links below:
Reviews of the Literature: differentiation between literature reviews and systematic reviews. Also includes useful tips on using the HSL, including Getting Started, Connecting from Off-Campus, Ordering Books and Journals, Mobile Resources, and more.
Finding and Locating Articles: suggests Databases to use to find articles and also how to obtain full-text of the article. Also discusses Document Delivery.
Information Management Tools: information on citation managers, e.g. EndNote Web and RefWorks, that allow you to store bibliographic citations, import citations from databases, insert in-text citations in Word files and automatically create and format bibliographies in APA style or any style of your choice.
Writing Resources: links to Campus Writing Resources, Online Writing Resources, APA Style guide and Writing/Grammar Guides.
For more information, please contact your Health Sciences Library Liaison to the UW School of Nursing, Caitlin Maloy at