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Finding Research Articles in PubMed and CINAHL

Finding Nursing Authors in CINAHL Plus

To find articles authored by nurses in CINAHL Complete:

After entering your search topic, under Limit Your Results, click on either:

  • First Author is Nurse:

    If you apply this limit, you will only retrieve records where it is confirmed that the first author of an article is a nurse, according to credentials noted in the article.


  • Any Author is Nurse:

    If you apply this limit, you will only retrieve records where at least one author is a nurse, according to the credentials noted in the article.

NOTE:  The written by a nurse limiters apply only to records from November 2009 and forward.


To find articles authored by University of Washington nurses:

After entering your search topic, in the second Search box enter University of Washington and change the drop-down menu to:  AF Author Affiliation.

When checking your Results, look at the Affiliation field to see if author is from the UW School of Nursing.

Finding SoN Authors in PubMed

To find articles authored by University of Washington School of Nursing faculty in PubMed:

Use the AD Address field.

Add the following to your search topic:  nursing [ad] AND "university of washington" [ad]

         Example:  irritable bowel syndrome AND nursing [ad] AND "university of washington" [ad]