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ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier
An ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is a persistent unique identifier that is used to accurately link researchers with their work.
Register for your ORCID iD using these instructions. Then use your ORCID iD when you submit articles for publication and when prompted by funders .
As more systems (academic institutions, eRA Commons, PubMed) start to make use of ORCID IDs, using your identifier will pay off.
ORCID's Value for Researchers, Faculty, and Students
ORCID is a non-profit organization that provides an open registry of unique persistent identifiers for researchers.
Why register?
- Correctly link you to your publications.
- Distinguish your work from the work of other people with similar names.
- Your ORCID ID is connected to you wherever you go.
- Visibility settings allow you to control what information is seen and added to your profile.
- Journal editors may ask for your ORCID when you submit a manuscript.
- Funders such as the NIH use ORCID iDs to to relate publications to grants. You can include your ORCID in your SciENcv account and your eRA Commons account.
- PubMed lets you search for authors by their ORCID (if the author published using an ORCID). Ex. Orcid 0000-0002-6710-8708[auid]
- Research networking sites like ResearchGate let you add your ORCID.
- An Auto-Update feature can update your ORCID profile automatically with new articles you've published. ("How to" information explains how to set this up using CrossRef.)
How to register, create, and update your profile?
- Go to ORCID to register and receive an iD.
- Add your position title and affiliation to your ORCID record.
- Import your references from a source such as Europe PMC, Dimensions, and/or CrossRef Metadata Search using "Link Works." References can also be added manually.
- Consider authorizing CrossRef to automatically update your profile on an ongoing basis. This only works if you submitted your ORCID iD when you submitted your manuscript.
- Use "Account Settings" to manage your privacy preferences.
NIH Requires ORCID for Some Awards Beginning 2020
UW Office of Research
Who does it apply to?
Individuals supported by research training, fellowship, research education, and career development awards.
What is the requirement?
Link your ORCID ID to your eRA Commons Personal Profile in FY 2020 beginning with Oct. 2019 appointees.
How do I do it?
- Register for an ORCID if you don't already have one.
- Then in your Commons Personal Profile, click on Connect your ORCID ID.
- Log into ORCID.
- Authorize NIH to access your ORCID profile.
Publishers' Use of ORCID
Some publishers ask corresponding authors to submit their ORCID iDs during the publication process. Examples include Wiley, AAAS, The Royal Society, PLoS, eLife, and The Company of Biologists.
Many other publishers give authors the opportunity to include their ORCID iDs.
Here are other publishers who use ORCID iDs in some way.
If you submit your ORCID iD when you publish, it will be included in databases like PubMed and Web of Science, and it will be easier to connect you with your publications.