Finding Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles can be a little tricky, because HBR does not make all of their content available to us through the library. However, with just a few strategic searching strategies, you can easily search for HBR articles specific to your research question.
When making your search in Business Source Complete, use one bar to type "Harvard Business Review" (the quotation marks are important!). In the drop-down, select "SO Publication Name." Make sure your next search term has "AND" in front of the bar--this means that you will only retrieve articles published in HBR that also have your keyword(s).
Open up the Advanced Search in the catalog. Type "Harvard Business Review" (the quotation marks are important!). Use the second bar to type your keyword. Under "Material Type" select "Articles." After pressing Search, scroll down the page until you see the purple box "Journal Title" on the left side. Select Harvard business review and Harvard business review: HBR. Click "Apply" so that all of your results are published in HBR.
Harvard Business does not permit the library to link to its articles as course readings. Students should consult with their instructors about how to access assigned readings and cases.
Harvard Business restricts the library from linking to articles and cases for class use. Instructors should work within their academic departments to procure the material and its necessary permissions.
Also see our Case Studies guide for a variety of free and already-purchased alternatives.