Use databases to find citations (and sometimes full text) to articles and other materials. There are specialized databases for various subjects. Listed in the boxes below are some selected database starting points for finding articles on topics in Native Americans.
Note: some databases use different truncation symbols (* is most common; others include !, $,
The following are recommended starting points for finding articles. Use these tools to locate citations (and sometimes full text) for articles and other materials.
Databases with this icon are accessible remotely (from off-campus) by UWNetID only.
Databases with this icon are accessible remotely by UWNetID only.
If the full-text of an article is not available directly in a database such as America: History and Life, then click on the purple Check for UW holdings button to find out if the UW has an electronic or print copy of the journal article you need. If there is no button, then search the UW Libraries Search for the title (name) of the journal to determine if the UW owns a copy.
Journal Search
Search or browse journal titles held at UW. Can't find it? Request it through Interlibrary Loan.
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