Subject terms assigned to databases along with a brief description of each term
African Studies:
Research, literature, and other works about and from Africa and the African diaspora
American & Canadian Studies:
Country-specific publications and other works from and about America and Canada, and their peoples. Does not include Mexico
Anthropology & archaeology:
Human societies, cultures, and development
Aquatic & fishery sciences:
Marine, freshwater and brackish water environments, and fisheries
Creative works, research/content about creative works. Does not include cinema, drama, dance, or music
Asian Studies:
Research, literature, and other works about and from any area of Asia
Biological Sciences
Built environments:
Architecture, urban planning, real estate
Cinema studies:
Films, motion pictures, and research about
Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, including Greek and Latin languages and literatures, philosophy, rhetoric, political theory, art, archaeology and history.
Human communication and mass media
Computer science:
Computers, information technology
Criminal justice:
Criminal justice systems, institutions, and individuals involved. For criminal law, see Law
Performances, research, and other content on dance
Resources on oral health
Disability studies:
Historical, cultural, political, and legal dimensions of disability
Performances, scripts, and other information on theater
Earth & Space Science:
East Asian studies:
China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan
Economics research and data
All levels of education and specialties from pre-K through lifelong learning.
All branches of engineering including civil, electrical, mechanical, aerospace, environmental...
Study of English language literature in various forms, including composition and language arts/grammar. Linguistics is separate.
Environmental Science:
Interdisciplinary, global; environmental problems and human impacts on the environment.
Ethnic & Multicultural studies:
Defined human groups and cultures
European studies:
All of Europe, including Central and Eastern, Western, Southern, and Northern.
Gender, Women & Sexuality studies:
Scholarship that foregrounds gender or sexuality.
Family history, tracing lineage
Physical and human geography
Grants & Nonprofits:
Nonprofit resources and funding
U.S. and world history.
Human Rights:
Human rights in the US and abroad
Indigenous studies:
Indigenous cultures and people, past and present
Information studies:
Includes library and information science. For museum studies, see MUSEOLOGY
International studies:
Political, social, economic and policy information about countries and world regions.
Latin American & Caribbean studies:
Latin America, including South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean
Legislation, policies, court decisions, federal law, state law, international law, foreign law
Linguistics, language structure and language social contexts. See research guides for resources on specific languages such as French, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, etc.
Literature, Literary Criticism, Literary Theory