Research Guides
Source Type | Description | Authors | Audience/Use |
Scholarly Journals Articles & Books (filter by "Resource Type" in the catalog) |
Peer- or rigorously reviewed sources whose purpose is to report results of original research or analysis | Scholars, researchers, and experts in the field of study | Scholars, researchers and students |
(i.e. White papers or reports from NGOs, Human Rights groups, Think Tanks, etc.) |
Report or guide that seeks to present an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision | Experts from the organization or agency, staff writers, Public Relations or marketing writers, etc. | Practitioners and stakeholders, experts in the field or area, general public |
(i.e. Supreme Court documents, hearings, policy briefs, census data, etc.) |
Publication produced by a government agency | Experts from the government agency, staff writers, Public Relations or marketing writers, etc. | Government agencies, national or international stakeholders, general public |
News (Local, National, International) (i.e. The New York Times, The Telegraph, etc.) |
Report broad, general information and entertainment; Feature interviews with experts and general public |
Reporters, usually not experts on the subject | General public, all readers |