A good starting place for finding data of all types is Databib. There are also many other data portals listed on the UW Data Resources Guide.
Note: some items below are [UW restricted]
Economic and financial data covering 150 countries and 6,500 different data series.
Did you know? You must cite data, just as you would cite information you found in an article, a book, a webpage, or any other format.
Below are some resources to help you cite your data.
If you would like others to cite your data, please contact the ResearchWorks Data Services Team about permanent identifiers for datasets.
Metadata is data that describes your data. Metadata is used to structure actual data sets -- like the column headings of simple tabular data -- as well as to describe features of data sets.
Below are some resources to help you create visuals with your data that will make it understandable and accessible to the rest of the world. For more, visit UW's Data Resources Guide.
Visualization Tools & Resources:
Below are some tutorials that will help you use common tools for data manipulation, use, and management.