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Research Guides

Art: Art Magazines & News

This guide offers the top recommended resources for Art, Art History, and Design.

Art Magazines & News


There are many kinds of art periodicals, magazines, & news sources aimed at various audiences. 


  • Art magazines are commercial publications or news aimed at artists or the general public (think Art in America, Artforum, or Aperture).
  • Some art magazines can be distributed from independent, small press publishers, or be artist-made.
  • Art magazines are helpful sources for learning about the newest contemporary art, artists, and practices.
  • Art magazines are different from peer-reviewed scholarly journals.


Any periodical - from art magazines to scholarly journals - can be searched for in one place from the UW Libraries Journal Search.

Where can I find art magazines & news in the library?

This page is not an exhaustive list of the many arts-related periodicals available at the UW Libraries.

You can search for more by using the search box at, or exploring by subject in our Journal Search.

If you're unsure about whether or not we have the publication you're looking for in print or electronically:

  • Click the links below
  • Ask a staff member at any UW library information desk
  • Ask via our 24/7 chat service