Les fonds d’archives de l’administration coloniale française conservés au Centre n° 1 des Archives nationales représentent un volume global assez important, bien qu’une grande partie des documents de cette période ait été rapatriée en France en vertu de l’accord signé en 1950 entre le gouvernement français et l’administration de Bảo Đại.
Main collection includes the Gouvernement General d'Indochine, Residence Superieure au Tonkin (1886-1945), and selected court archives. Post 1945 collections include records of the DRV National Assembly and records of the Fontainbleu Conference.
Includes photographs, and phonographs, including recordings of Ho Chi Minh speeches.
Main collections include the Governeur de la Cochinchine, 1859-1945. State of Viet Nam, 1948-55.
Established in 1995. It is responsible for collecting, preserving and organzing archival records generated by central agencies of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1945-1976) and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (1976 to present).
Archives IV has responsiblity for collecting, organzing and preserving wood-block prints from the Nguyễn dynasty, administrative records and private collections from the feudal period, the French colonial period and materials from the Socialist Republic from Quảng Trị Province to Bình Thuận and the Tây Nguyên region, under ordinance from the National Center for Archives and Records.
The National Archives of Cambodia (NAC) is a Government institution of the Kingdom of Cambodia under the Council of Ministers. It is responsible for preserving documents created by the government administration, which possess enduring legal and historic value, and for making them available for present and future generations to use. We hold documents produced or collected by the French colonial and the Cambodian governments since independence from the national down to the communal level, preserved in tens of thousands of records on 1800 linear meters of shelving. The NAC is a public institution and welcomes students, academic researchers, government staff and members of the general public to consult its rich holdings.
Primary holdings for French period: The Fonds of the Resident Superior (1863-1954)
Size of collection: 38,313 files, c.900 linear meters of documents.
Finding aids: Database, searchable by title word or category according to the Boudet System