Presenter, “Community Engagement and Networking are Empowering”, Scholars’ Studio, University of Washington Libraries, Seattle, June 2024.
Presenter, “Professional Connections During the Pandemic: Building and Expanding Social Networks in the Context of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Librarianship Experience,” ALA Annual Conference Virtual On-Demand program, June 2021
Presenter, “Digital Scholarship Management : South Asian Oral History Project and its Outcome,” TEAL Digital Scholarship for East Asian Studies Community Coffee Hour, University of Washington Libraries, Seattle, WA, January 2021.
Panel Chair, “Oral History in India: Developing New Methodologies for Diverse Communities,” Oral History Association Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2019.
Poster, “Librarian Teaching and Learning Assessment by Design,” Library Assessment Conference, Houston, TX, December 2018.
Presenter, “Ithaka S+R Findings for South Asian Studies: University of Washington Report,“ Research Forum, ALA/ACRL/ AAMES, New Orleans, LA,June 2018.
Panelist, “Supporting Research Across Asian Studies: Findings from a Large-Scale Qualitative Study,” Association for Asian Studies Conference, Washington D C, March 2018
Presenter, “Discovering Nuance in South Asian Diasporic Narrative,” Scholars’ Studio, University of Washington Libraries, Seattle, WA, September 2017.
Panelist, “Digital Development in Asia, the Middle East and Africa: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects for Cross National Collaboration,” ALA Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 2015.
Panelist, “Modern Migration: Asia and the World, “Association for Asian Studies Conference, Chicago, IL, March 2015.
Presenter, “Indian Migration to the United States,” Research Forum, ALA/ACRL/ AAMES, Las Vegas, NV, June 2014.
Presenter, “Information Literacy and Elearning in an Era of Emerging Technologies,” International Seminar on Application of Communication and Information Technology in Library ( SACITIL) Conference, Kolkata, India, January 2014.
Presenter, “South Asian Librarians and their Evolving Role in Partnerships,” Research Forum, ALA/ ACRL/ AAMES, Chicago 2013.
Presenter, “Washington State History: Stories of South Asian Immigrants,”WSCSS Lake Chelan Leadership Retreat, Lake Chelan,WA, March, 2012.
Presenter, “Information Literacy: Evaluation of Resources”, WSCSS Lake Chelan Leadership Retreat, Lake Chelan,WA, March, 2012.
Presenter, “Capturing Immigrant Journeys from South Asia to Pacific Northwest“, Jawahar Lal Nehru University Library Speaker Series, New Delhi, India, January, 2012.
Presenter, “The Institutional Repositories in the United States: a Study”, ICDK International Conference, New Delhi, India, February 2011.
Presenter, “South Asian Oral History Embodies Diversity,” KLA/KSMA/SELA/ARL program, National Diversity in Libraries Conference, Louisville, KY, October 2008.
Panelist, “ In their Own Words: Oral Histories of South Asians in the Pacific Northwest,” The 37th Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, WI, October 2008
Panelist, “Global Scholarly Communications: International Access and Accessibility,” ACRL/AAMES program ALA Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 2008.
Poster, ARL Leadership and Career Development Program, “South Asian Librarianship: Current Challenges and Future Trends,” ALA Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 2008.
Publications & Professional Contributions
Selected Publications
Banerjee, Deepa. “Engagement and Outreach: The South Asian Oral History Project at the University of Washington Libraries.” Asian American Librarians and Library Services : Activism, Collaborations and Strategies. Ed. Raymond Pun. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018, 107-113.
Banerjee,Deepa. “Allen Opportunity Award supports South Asian Art History Collection at UW.” University of Washington South Asia Center Bullletin, (2015).
Banerjee, Deepa . Foreword. In Amy Bhatt and Nalini Iyer (Authors), Roots and Reflections: South Asians in the Pacific Northwest, Seattle: University of Washington Press. 2012.
Banerjee, Deepa. "Digital Libraries Development and Management: Institutional repositories in the United States - A Study."International Conference on Digital Library Management (ICDLM): Extending Benefits of Modern Technology to Public, Academic and Special Libraries Conference Papers. Kolkata: ICDLM, 2011. 431-434.
Banerjee, Deepa. “South Asian Oral History Project- University of Washington, Seattle.” AAMES Newsletter 7, 2 (Spring 2010).
Banerjee, Deepa. “From Raga to Remixes: Is There Accessibility in Academic Libraries?” Challenges forSouth Asian Resources and Information Services: Essays in Honour of Dr Ravindra N. Sharma. Ed. Rajwant Singh Chilana. New Delhi: Concept, 2008. 153-166.
Banerjee, Deepa. “New South Asia Library Holdings.” Washington South Asia Report 24, 1 (2008):7.
Banerjee, Deepa. “New South Asian Acquisitions at Suzzallo Library.” Library Directions 16, 2 (2007): 5.
Banerjee, Deepa. “ARL’s Leadership and Career Development Institute II: Research, Teaching and Learning.” Synergy: News from ARL Diversity Initiatives 3 (October 2007).