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Research Guides

Give Your Source the CRAP Test!

How reliable is the information you just found online?  Give your source the CRAP test!

Class Exercise!

In small groups, you'll be assigned one of the sources below.  Skim your source and answer the following questions:

  1. Why was this source created?
  2. Who is able to create this type of source?
  3. What type of source is it?  Primary, secondary, tertiary?
  4. Is it current enough for your project?
  5. Who is the author and what are their credentials?
  6. Are there any perspectives missing from this source?
  7. Would you use this source in your paper?  If yes, how would you use it?  If not, in what context might this source be better suited?

Source Types

It can be helpful to think about the types of sources you might consult when writing your paper.  Source types include:

  • Primary Sources:  Sources from created at the time.  Examples include interviews, diaries, photos, live concert recordings.
  • Secondary Sources: Sources that add reflection or interpretation of primary source materials.  Examples include scholarly journal articles and books.
  • Tertiary Sources: Are a combination of several primary and secondary sources.  Encyclopedia articles or books that are a "guide" to topic are a good examples of teriary sources.