Nihon kaisan chōrikuzu
Ishikawa Tomonobu
Edo [Tokyo] : Sagamiya Tahē, 1697
Map, 102.3 x 169.1 cm
Hand-colored woodblock print
East Asia Library Collection
G7961.S36 I 84 1701
Together with Ishikawa’s “Honchō zukan kankōmoku” (first edition published in 1687), his “Nihon kaisan chōrikuzu” was referred to as Ryūsenzu. In particular, “Nihon kaisan chōrikuzu” was so popular that it was published many times over a span of one hundred years until Sekisuizu (See 03) was introduced at the end of the 18th century. Unlike other maps of Japan at that time, which were generally intended to produce accurate representations based on geographical information, Tomonobu Ishikawa who was an ukiyoe artist created a new style of maps with freeform coastlines and beautiful colors. Another reason that his maps were so widespread was that they exceeded previous maps in the amount of information they provided.
Shōjikibanashi ōkagami
Ishikawa Tomonobu saku
Moronobu Hishikawa ga
Edo [Tokyo] : Yorozuya Seibē han, 1694
5 v. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Kisho Fukuseikai sōsho ; dai 4-ki, 9
Tokyo : Beizandō, 1925-1926
East Asia Library Collection
PL755.35 .K57 v.4 no.9
During the middle of the Tokugawa period, Ishikawa lived in Asakusa, Edo (present-day Tokyo) and played an active role as an ukiyoe artist as well as a map maker. Ishikawa also was a fiction writer, who produced several masterpieces including “Shōjikibanashi ōkagami”.
日本海山潮陸圖 (にほんかいさんちょうりくず)
江戶 : 相模屋太兵衛, 元禄 10 [1697]
地図, 102.3 x 169.1 cm
G7961.S36 I 84 1701
『日本海山潮陸圖 (にほんかいさんちょうりくず) 』は、1687 年初版の『本朝図鑑綱目 (ほんちょうずかんこうもく) 』と共に、流宣図 (りゅうせんず) という通称で呼ばれる。特に前者は人気が高く、赤水図 (せきすいず, 03を参考) が登場する18 世紀末頃までの約100年間、何度も版を重ねられた。他の日本地図が当時の地理知識をもとに正確な描写を目指していることに比べ、浮世絵師である流宣はデフォルメされた海岸線と美しい色を持つスタイルを作り上げた。また、それまでの地図に無い多くの情報量を盛り込んだことで、広く世に流布した。
正直咄大鑑 (しょうじきばなしおおかがみ)
石川流宣 作
菱川師宣 画
江戶 ; 万屋清兵衞板, 元禄 7 [1694]
5 v. : ill. ; 24 cm.
稀書複製會叢書 ; 第 4 期, 9
東京 : 米山堂, 大正 14-15 [1925-1926]
PL755.35 .K57 v.4 no.9
青山宏夫. (2006). 連載 : 歴史の証人 : 写真による収蔵品紹介 : 流宣日本図の地理情報. 歴博,134. Retrieved on March 1, 2014 from
小学館. (2001-2014). 石川流宣. In 日本大百科全書. 東京 : 小学館. Retrieved on March 1, 2014 from