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Research Guides

Data Management Planning

Many federal funders, including NSF and NIH, require that all grant applications include a 'Data Management' or 'Data Sharing' plan.


DMP Tool logoDMPTool

DMPTool Website

The University of Washington, in partnership with the California Digital Library, provides researchers the ability to create and manage Data Management Plans using DMPTool. DMPTool walks users step-by-step through the requirements for a variety of funders, provides examples, and exports a text-based data management plan that can easily be inserted into a grant. To get started, login at, choose the University of Washington as your institution, and enter your NetID and password.

If you’d like Scholarly Communications and Publishing to help you create a custom template for your department, lab, or research projects, email

Data Storage at UW

There are a number of services aimed at University of Washington affiliates looking for data storage options. Services that are HIPPAA-aligned or FERPA-aligned offer the tools for secure transmission and storage, but each user must still ensure that their data is maintained in compliance with any security requirements. This comparison assumes UW affiliation.


University of Washington logo    ResearchWorks Archive

    ResearchWorks Archive Website

    ResearchWorks Archive is the University of Washington’s digital repository (also known as “institutional repository”) for disseminating and preserving scholarly work. ResearchWorks Archive can accept any digital file format or content (examples include numerical datasets, photographs and diagrams, working papers, technical reports, pre-prints and post-prints of published articles). However, individual files are limited in size to 1 TB, materials must contain sufficient metadata, and copyright restrictions may apply. No special software is needed to submit materials.
In addition, the repository software creates persistent URLs that will not change over time. If a DOI or ARK is required, we can provide that via the university subscription to DataCite. The Libraries encourages contributions from all communities across the three campuses.

To learn more about ResearchWorks or to discuss your repository needs, email ResearchWorks at

Project Management

Open Science Framework logo  Open Science Framework

  OSF Website

  OSF is an open source cloud-based project management platform. It is designed to help teams collaborate in one centralized location. Teams can connect third-party services that they already use (such as GitHub, Google Drive, and Amazon Web Services) directly to the OSF workspace. OSF provides version control, persistent URLs, and DOI registration. Cross-institutional collaboration is easy, as is controlling who has access to projects.

UW is an Affiliate of the Open Science Framework (OSF), which means that UW staff, students, and researchers can now create OSF accounts using their NetID through the “Login through your institution” pointer on the Sign Up page.

Data Collection

RedCap logoRedCap

RedCap Website

A web-based survey design and collection platform, capable of providing HIPAA-compliant storage.

Persistent Identifiers

DOI logo.svgWhat is a DOI? A DOI is a persistent, unique digital identifier associated with an object, which contains metadata that makes the object easier to find. DOIs create a link to the content’s location on the internet, so that the DOI will always point to the correct unique object.

Why might I need a DOI? DOIs are increasingly desired -- and sometimes required -- by journal publishers. A DOI creates a stable URL that allows for persistent access to digital materials. If you graduate, change universities, or migrate content to a new server, as long as the DOI record is updated, the change is invisible to users. DOIs can be created for nearly any object, including images, articles, books and book chapters, dissertations and theses, research reports, and more.

How do I get a DOI? The UW Libraries has contracted with DataCite to create digital object identifiers (DOIs) for UW researchers. A few basic metadata fields are required in order to create a DOI. Fill out this form, and Libraries staff will email back with your completed DOI(s), or with any questions about the form.

If you have other questions about acquiring a DOI, check out the DOI guide or contact Scholarly Communications and Publishing. Website

Use to create a permanent snapshot of a webpage or web resource that you'd like to reference in a publication, such as an article, dissertation, or another web resource. This "snapshot" will create an archived version of the referenced page as of a specific date in time, and will give it a persistent address.

For more information, take a look at our guide.


  ORCiD Website

  Open Researcher and Contributor Identification (ORCiD) provides a persistent digital identifier for researchers that distinguishes you from every other researcher and supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities, ensuring that your work is recognized.

To obtain your ORCiD follow the simple steps provided by the Health Sciences Library or by visiting ORCiD directly.