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Searching and Requesting in Special Collections: Your Special Collections Request System Account

This guide will show you how to search Special Collections materials.

Making your Special Collections Request System Account

Before you can request material, make appointments, or order reproductions in Special Collections, you will need to create an account in the Special Collections Request System! 

An account is required to access materials or place reproductions orders.

Once you log into your Special Collections Request System account, you will see the menu bar along the top, which is where you'll access the different features of your account. 

Main menu

You can view active requests in on the main menu. You can check the status of your requests and reproduction orders by looking at the item or order status. 


You can find a blank request form by going to the New Request menu. This is especially helpful if you're having a hard time getting a large finding aid to load! 

For more information on requesting materials, see the Finding and Requesting Material in Special Collecitons page. 


Most researchers won't use the activities menu. This is for those who are working on a specific project with Special Collections, such as a class. If you have questions about this, please contact

Order history

The order history tab is where you can find the history of all of your reading room and reproduction requests. This includes active requests and orders as well as past requests and orders. 

Saved Requests

You have a request limit of 6 items - this means that you can only have 6 active requests at a time. As soon as one finishes, you can request another item. However, you can save an unlimited amount of items to Saved Requests! This acts as a wishlist of items you would like to view after you finish your current requests. 

To move an item from a saved request to an active requests, simply click the actions button and select which action you would like to take!


You can make a Reading Room appointment without requesting materials by going to the Appointments menu.

For more information about how appointments work, please see our appointment page!

My Account

On the My Account menu, you will be able to update your user information and password, review our researcher policies (which can also be accessed here), and check messages from staff!  

The messages under Notifications will also be sent to you via email, but they will also be saved here. Some emails will automatically mark system-generated messages as Spam, so you can always check here if you're worried you're not recieving messages!