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Research Guides

Music Performance: Guidelines for Writing Program Notes

Guidelines for Writing Program Notes

Identify the piece 
  • Include complete title with appropriate keys, numbers, opus numbers, and catalog numbers
  • Date of composition (if known)
  • Composer's full name, birth-death dates
  • Movements, song titles, or excerpts to be performed
  • Translation if needed
Give contextual background of the composer, work, or performance
  • When/where did the composer live?
  • What significant historical or life events may have impacted the composer? 
  • Did the composer study under someone important? Who influenced the composer?
  • What is their most significant contribution to music history?
  • Is this a well-known or little-known piece by the composer? Why?/Why not?
Describe the piece
  • Describe the genre or style and how it originated.
  • Is this work a common example of a particular style, movement, or school of composition?
  • What are key musical elements of the piece? This may include elements such as form, rhythm, melody, harmony and accompaniment
Provide your interpretation of the work
  • What do you hope to express to the audience through your interpretation? What should the audience listen for?