Page developed with funding by the Division of Nursing, Bureau of Health Professions, US Department of Health and Human Services Grant #D09HP18978
Gerontology Searches
Books & Databases
Evidence-Based Practice & Toolkits in Aging
Evidence-Based Practice
- CDC: Healthy Aging
- Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing: Evidence-Based Geriatric Protocols & Topics
- Older Adult
- HSL: Evidence-Based Practice
- Gerontological Society of America KAER Toolkit, 2020 EditionThe GSA KAER Toolkit, Fall 2020 Edition, is intended to support primary care teams in implementing a comprehensive approach to initiating conversations about brain health, detecting and diagnosing dementia, and providing individuals with community-based supports. It includes practical approaches, educational resources, and validated clinical tools that teams can integrate into their workflow.
- Cognition in Primary Care, UW Family MedicineThis site offers Clinical Tools, Community Resources, Partnerships with other groups at UW and national groups, as well as Training.
Educational Portals
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(Limited to Humans, English, and Aged 65+)
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UW Libraries Search
Geriatric Mobile Resources
For WA State Health Professionals
- HEAL-WAHealth information resources for Health Care Practitioners Licensed in Washington State.
National Geriatric Organizations
- American Geriatrics Society
- American Society on Aging
- Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association
- Gerontological Society of America
- National Association for Geriatric Education
- National Association of Geriatric Education Centers
- National Council on Aging
- National Institute on Aging
- Administration for Community Living