Evidence-Based Practice
Find the evidence
Select links to quickly access top recommended resources in support of evidence-based practice (EBP)
Meta-Search Engines
- SUMsearchSearch for original studies, systematic reviews, and practice guidelines from PubMed.
- Trip DatabaseUK-based clinical search engine. Trip Pro access not available through UW.
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
- Cochrane LibraryIncludes Cochrane Reviews and other high-quality evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.
- PubMed Clinical Queries using Systematic Reviews filterSearch for results limited to specific clinical research areas.
Evidence Guidelines and Summaries
- Essential Evidence Plus This link opens in a new windowEvidence-based, point-of-care clinical decision support system with guidelines, topics, abstracts, and summaries. Registration required.
- ECRI Guidelines TrustRepository of objective, evidence-based clinical practice guideline content.
- Recommendations for Primary Care Practice - USPSTFThe U.S. Preventive Services Task Forces systematically reviews the evidence of effectiveness and develops recommendations for clinical preventive services.
- EPC Evidence-Based ReportsAHRQ through Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPCs) provides comprehensive, science-based information on common, costly medical conditions.
- American Family Physician Evidence-based Medicine ToolkitInformation for readers who want to learn more about EBM and for authors preparing manuscripts for publication seeking information about incorporating the principles of EBM in their manuscripts.
Clinical Research Critiques
- ACP Journal ClubSummarizes the best new evidence for internal medicine from over 120 clinical journals.
- Family Physicians Inquiries Network (FPIN)Includes Priority Updates from the Research Literature Surveillance (PURLS)
- POEMs (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters)Synopses of new evidence filtered for relevance to patient care and evaluated for validity.
- Evidence-Based NursingSearches international healthcare journals and applies strict criteria for the validity of research and relevance to best nursing practice.
Research Articles (Randomized Control Trials, Cohort and Qualitative Studies, etc.)
- EMBASEBiomedical database with strong focus on drugs and pharmacology, clinical medicine, and basic science relevant to clinical medicine.
Background Information
- Health Sciences eBooksView select titles by A-Z or browse by subject.