Clinical Specialties - Ethics
About this Guide
This guide describes resources relevant to Ethics in the Health Sciences. See the UW Libraries Philosophy research guide for additional resources, or the list of other research guides including human rights, government and policy, and social sciences.
- Bioethics, 4th edition (2014) by Bruce Jennings (Succeeds 6-volume Encyclopedia of Bioethics. Gale Virtual Reference Library)
- Cambridge Histories of PhilosophyIncludes Moral Philosophy; Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century; Eighteenth-Century Philosophy; Medical Ethics, etc.
PubMed Search
Search PubMed
EBook Collections With Bioethics Content
- Bioethics 1997-
- BMC Medical Ethics 2000-
- Ethics 1938-
- Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) Archives. 1995-
- Hastings Center Report 1971-
- Nursing Ethics 1991-
Codes of Ethics
- Ethics Code Collection - Health & MedicineHealth professional codes of ethics from professional societies, governmental agencies, and international conventions, from the Illinois Institute of Technology Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions.
Find Articles, etc. in Databases
- PubMedo See also: directions for configuring settings to show UW Holdings in results lists.
o Consider limiting your search to the "bioethics subset" by adding this phrase: AND bioethics [sb]
o Also consider using the "ethics" subheading
o PubMed Search Tips handout - Philosopher's Indexo Books and journal articles in ethics, social philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and metaphysic logic.
o Also materials on the philosophy of law, religion, science, history, education, and language. - CINAHL Completeo Nursing and allied health database
o Consider using the subject heading "Ethics" to capture bioethics, confidentiality, and ethical decision making.
o The subheading "Ethical issues" is also available. - PsycInfoo Database of behavioral and social science research literature.
o The thesaurus term "Ethics" encompasses bioethics, experimental ethics, and professional ethics. - EthicShareo Research and collaboration website for scholars working in the field of ethics. (Hosted by University of Minnesota.)
o Includes articles from newspapers, scientific journals, & magazines, as well as legal and government documents. - Google Scholaro See also: directions for configuring settings to show UW Holdings in results lists
- Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)o Scholarly and general interest sources (newspapers, magazines) in business, medicine, humanities, social sciences, and science and technology.
Primary Empirical Research
- UW Research Human Subjects DivisionA getting-started guide to knowing what is required when working with human subjects.
- REDCapA HIPAA-compliant data collection tool. Useful for surveys and questionnaires.
Managing Your Information/Writing
- Study summary table and Synthesis matrixTemplates for organizing data and themes found in the literature
- Citation management guideZotero, Mendeley, and EndNote
- Graduate-level writing consultations at the Health Sciences LibrarySign up for an appointment at the HSL satellite of OWRC.
- Writer's GuideStyle guides, such as APA, and citation management tools, such as EndNote and Zotero.
- Acknowledging, Paraphrasing, and Quoting SourcesHandout from the University of Wisconsin Writing Center.