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Global Index Medicus Help Guide

Database with international coverage of Health Sciences topics.


Are there benefits to adding terms from non-English languages to the search?

There are, if…

  • they are not words with an unrelated meaning in English, or if the results with the unrelated meaning do not overwhelm the results from non-English term.
  • they are not the Spanish or Portuguese version of a DeCS/MeSH term being searched as mh:
    • Example mh:(Head)mh:(Cabeza), and mh:(Cabeça) will all retrieve the same results, buttw:(Head)tw:(Cabeza), and tw:(Cabeça) will not.
  • you are willing to receive abstracts in those languages, since that is most of what will be contributed by those terms.
    • Place names might be an exception to this: an article might use the local form of the name despite being in English.

Where is my search history? 

GIM does not record your search history. Your browser may store search terms for a time, but is unreliable.

Learn more about reporting your GIM search strategy

The page "hung" and won't stop loading!

This is most often due to using the browser's back button while in the Search Descriptor Lookup. Use the browser's forward button to return to the page you just left, then navigate the DeCS/MeSH terms by selecting broader or narrower terms in the tree or by using the lookup's search bar.

Can I search Global Index Medicus on my phone? 

Yes! On the search results page you will need to click on Filters to view and apply them to your search.

Can I set up search alerts for a search on Global Index Medicus? 

No, GIM does not have an option for automated search alerts.

To check for new articles:

  1. Save your search string 
  2. Rerun the search 
  3. Sort results by newest 

Where else can I search for international health sciences literature?

Here is an incomplete list of options:

  • SciELO
    Articles from journals published in countries in Latin America, plus Spain, Portugal, and South Africa. May be searched from its home platform or the Web of Science platform (Web of Science Guide).
  • VHL Regional Portal
    Articles and grey literature from Latin American and Caribbean countries. Search across the VHL collection or individual databases within the collection. From BIREME, a specialized center of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO).
  • African Journals Online (AJOL)
    Peer-reviewed scholarly journals from 39 African countries.
  • Global Health Database (EBSCO)
    EBSCO-based access to the CABI Global Health Database, with articles and grey literature on public health from worldwide journals and sources.

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