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Filters on the Results page sidebar help you limit your results.
Default filters include:
More filters are available under the Add filters button at the top of the sidebar, including:
Once selected, filters remain in place until you change or remove them.
Note: For systematic and scoping reviews, the filters for main subject, study type, age, sex, and country/region are not recommended since they may not comprehensively capture the item of interest. This is true for PubMed filters as well.
*The Country/Region filter does not reliably identify articles about countries outside of Latin America as of Spring 2024. This stems from each region entering its own articles and not applying attributes consistently across regions. For countries outside of Latin America, it is more reliable to search on the names of the countries plus names of any broader regions (example: Sub-Saharan Africa).
Select an article by clicking the checkbox next to the article title on the search results page.
Deselect an article by clicking the checkbox again so the check goes away.
You can print
Depending on your computer and printer setup, you may print to PDF or to your printer (printer support from UW IT and DAWG Prints at the UW).
From the search results, you may click Print on the right side of the page to print the page. Printing the page will print just the citations for each article as shown on the search results page. If you've already selected articles, you may still elect to print the page.
From the search results, you may select articles and then click Print on the right side of the page. You will then have the option to print the page you're on or print the Selected References (number of selections will be in parentheses). Selected References will print the citation from the search results page for each selected article only.
You can email
From the search results, you may click Email on the right side of the page. Emailing results gives you the option to add your name, your email, who you want to send the results to, the email subject, and your comments. You may then select whether you want to send the page, selected references, or all references in your search results (up to 300 results).
You can export
Format options are