Grant Resources
Starting Point: Multidisciplinary Database
- Foundation Directory Online This link opens in a new windowComprehensive information on U.S. grantmakers and their funding activities.
- GrantSelect This link opens in a new windowFunding opportunities from more than 5,100 sponsoring organizations.
- Web of Science Grants IndexSearch for your topic to discover grants that funded similar research.
Starting Points: University of Washington
- Graduate Funding Information Service (GFIS)Resources and individual assistance for UW graduate students looking for funding.
- Funding Opportunities - UW Office of ResearchSources of funding available to UW researchers, including Bridge Funding and the Royalty Research Fund.
- MyResearch Project LifecycleUW research tools, forms, policies, training, and resources for all stages of the funded research project life cycle.
- Office of Research Information SystemsTraining, help desk, access to SAGE (electronic research administration) and DORA (electronic IRB administration) suites of tools.
Starting Points: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- NIH Grants and Funding Information
- Research grants and training opportunities
- Overview of NIH grants process
- NIH policies and procedures
- NIH Research Training and Career Development Programs✽ Opportunities for undergraduates, predoctoral training/clinical doctorate, postdoctoral training/clinical residency, early research career development, mid-career & senior career development & mentoring.
- NIH Institutes and Centers✽ Information about the 27 institutes and centers that comprise the National Institutes of Health.
✽ Find research agendas, funding opportunities, and program officers. - NIH RePORTERInformation on grants that have been awarded by the NIH
Starting Points: Professional Organizations and Associations
Visit websites of professional organizations and associations to identify grants, awards, and scholarships available in your field.
- Association of Fundraising ProfessionalsWell-designed web site for fundraising professionals. Ethics and Public policy issues are highlighted in the frame portion of the web site. Many sources are full text
- Philanthropy NorthwestPhilanthropy Northwest members are individuals and corporations who found nonprofit projects in the states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and BC. The links on the this website are very useful for local information on nonprofits. For example, this site has web links to foundations in the Northwest, plus legislative and news items. The current website also has links to Trends in Northwest Giving 2010.
- Puget Sound Grantwriters' AssociationThe Puget Sound Grantwriters Association promotes responsible, effective grantseeking and fosters connections among grantseekers, nonprofits and funders
- The Grantsmanship CenterCheck out their blog, podcasts, 3 minute webcasts and news article archives!