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Graphic Medicine

Medical Articles

Medical Articles

Graphic medicine: use of comics in medical education and patient care
Green MJ, Myers KR
BMJ. 2010 Mar 3:340.

Graphic medicine: comics as a medical narrative
Williams, IC
Med Humanit. 2012 June; 38(1):21-27.

Graphic Medicine: The Best of 2017
Green MJ, Squier SM
JAMA. 2017 Dec 19;218(23):2280-2281.

Graphic medicine: comics turn a critical eye on health care
Glazer S
Hastings Cent Rep. 2015 May-June;45(3):15-9.

Using Comics to Communicate About Health: An Introduction to the Symposium on Visual Narratives and Graphic Medicine
King AJ
Health Commun. 2017 May;32(5):523-524.

Cancer issues infiltrate the underground comics
McCann J
J Natl Cancer Inst. 1995 Jan 4;87(1):6-11.

Graphic Medicine and Health Care Ethics
AMA Journal of Ethics. 2018 Feb; 20(2)
(full issue focuses on graphic medicine)

Library Publications

A Prescription for Graphic Medicine
Wall S
Public Libraries Online, published April 12, 2018

Graphic Medicine: Comic narratives of illness, healing, and care
Carlton A
American Libraries, published June 24, 2018

Graphic Medicine: Health & Fitness Books 2018
Lemke M
Publishers Weekly, published April 20, 2018