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Graphic Medicine

Websites on Graphic Medicine This is the website for graphic medicine. It includes Comics Reviews, Podcasts, a blog and lots of other interesting information. It was started in 2007 by Ian Williams, a physician and artist from North Wales. He was joined by MK Czerwiec, RN MA in 2012. She is behind Comic Nurse. And in 2017, Matthew Noe, author of the blog This Week in Graphic Medicine joined. He is currently a Collection Outreach medical librarian at Countway Library, Harvard Medical School. 

Comics and Medicine Conference: The 2018 conference took place August 16-18, 2018 in Vermont at the Center for Cartoon Studies. The schedule and list of all the talks is here.

Annals of Graphic Medicine: This regular feature is part of the Annals of Medicine journal which uses the graphic format to address medically relevant topics such as medical education, patient care, health conditions, the patient experience and more from a variety of contributors. Much of the content is thought provoking and brings awareness of issues faced by both patient and healthcare provider.

Graphic Medicine: Ill-Conceived & Well-Drawn: The National Library of Medicine's Traveling Exhibition program's newest traveling exhibit features the use of the graphic novel format as a wat to communicate. This format is a more accessible way to communicate personal stories regarding health and illness. 

Introduction to Graphic Medicine: This 2017 NNLM webinar, taught by Matthew Noe from the Lamar Soutter Library at UMass Medical School, introduces the emerging field of graphic medicine and the use of comics in healthcare. 

A Look at Graphic Medicine: Graphic medicine is discussed on this Public Library Association's podcast. Guests include Susan Squier, Professor Emerita of English and Women's Studies at Penn State University and Ellen Forney, author of the New York Times bestseller, "Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me".

The Healthy Aboriginal Network: The Healthy Aboriginal Network is a registered non-profit Society, incorporated in the Province of British Columbia since 2005. Their mandate is the non-profit promotion of health, literacy & wellness through the production of visual resources for youth. They create illustrations, posters, video and comic books on health and social issues for youth.